Differentiate to GROW
Unknown Expert to Undeniable Authority
Doors Open August 2023
You know you’re an expert in your field!
You’re sick and tired of being invisible, unheard and the best-kept secret in your industry
You’re exhausted being busy and figuring out that these don’t work:
White papers
Cold email spam
Complicated funnels
Endless content that no one engages in
DMs for sales appointments
Lead-gen services
Creating endless content for multiple social media

You’re stalled because you don’t want to make mistakes with your precious time & energy
To stand out from the crowd
Become a sought-after thought leader
Magnetize both dream clients & rock star teams
But, right now, things might look more like this…
You’re working all day with clients and then the administrative and marketing tasks get pushed aside to evenings and weekends
You’ve hit a sales plateau (totally normal) but you’re not sure of your next best steps to earn more money or regain your time
You feel like the best kept secret in your industry and you know you can make a HUGE difference in the world, if only more people knew about you.
Imagine for a moment what would it feel like to be the sought-after, undeniable authority in your industry
To close sales conversations convert effortlessly, without objections
To have dream clients come to you expecting to pay higher prices
To be invited to speak where your dream clients congregate
To be invited to collaborate with strategic partners that willingly send you clients instead of hustling on social media
To be able to raise your fees because you are in demand for your unique services
when you stand out from the competition
– your business grows easily!!!
You work less & earn more!
Your business could look like this in the very near future:
Your dream clients are asking how they can work with you.
Your dream clients are paying what you ask without objection
You know exactly what marketing you need to be doing to reach potential clients instead of throwing spaghetti at the wall
You are spending less time marketing and less time selling–and more time doing the work you have been called to do.
If you’ve read this far and you are nodding your head “yes”, and you still have some doubts, let’s talk about them now..
I totally understand…
No one taught you how to STAND OUT from your competition when you got your certification or learned that thing that you’re really good at doing
No one told you that you could build a reputation as The undeniable authority where you are THE sought-after authority rather than remaining in obscurity
You are afraid of putting yourself out there and being judged
You feel like it will be too much effort & hard work to build a reputation where you are THE undeniable authority in your industry
These clients dramatically changed their lives & their businesses working with me!

She’s a CLARITY WIZARD. Investing in her is worth every penny! Diana has a proven process that very quickly helped me gain the clarity I was missing.
Akeela Davis

Both my life and my business have changed dramatically since I started working with Diana. My business has seen exponential growth and profits!!!
M. Cardinal

I can’t believe how much you’ve helped us SIMPLIFY AND SYSTEMIZE our business!
Lara Autio

I now have paying clients and a true business! Diana has taught me the value of creating a vision and how to work towards that vision by setting goals.
Nathalie Pedicelli
My job is to help you go from
Unknown Expert to Undeniable Authority
in your industry!

In this program, you will….
Create alignment with your Big Picture Vision so that you stay focused on what matters most to the future of your business.
Apply the Counter-Intuitive Ecosystem to simplify & amplify the critical aspects of your business so that you easily magnetize your dream clients with your marketing.
Design your Unforgettable Flagship Framework that will help you streamline your business & free up more time
Use my Content Planning System to amplify your visibility and authority so that it is customized to you & your business.
Have time for implement with special sessions for execution and answers to your specific questions so that you leave with a customized Authority Visibility Blueprint
In other words – together we will create your

You’ll stop being unknown
You’ll become THE Undeniable Authority
You’ll appear untouchable by your competition.
This program is perfect for you if:
✓ You work in a highly competitive industry (financial advisor, mortgage broker, lawyer, HR consultant) and YOU are your brand
✓ You are making upwards of $80K+ annually in your current business and looking to scale to the next level.
✓ You’re willing start thinking & doing things differently!
This program is not for you if:
➢ You’re looking for an Easy Button that will magically make your business grow
➢ You’re a brick & mortar business or in network marketing
➢ You’re just starting out in business and you don’t have clients.
My job is to help you go from
Unknown Expert to Undeniable Authority
in your industry!

As soon as you enroll,
You’ll book a private 45 min call with Diana to help you clarify and focus.
Starting August 2023
On Zoom – 12 noon – 1:30 ET
Recordings Available
Date TBA
Business Alignment
Date TBA
Implementation and Q&A
Date TBA
Implementation and Q&A
Date TBA
Content Planning System
Date TBA
Implementation and Q&A
Date TBA
Implementation and Q&A
Date TBA
Flagship Framework
Date TBA
Flagship Framework
Date TBA
Implementation and Q&A
Date TBA
Planning Your Ecosystem
Date TBA
Flagship Framework
Date TBA
Implementation and Q&A
Date TBA
Compelling Core Offer
At Graduation, you’ll book another private call with Diana to identify your next best steps for your business.
You’ll get the recordings of these calls for future reference.
Group Classes on Zoom starting August 2023

Differentiate to GROW:
Unknown Expert to Undeniable Authority
Private 60 min call
This will help identity your main challengs & create focus for the coming weeks.
Value $1000
6 Group 90 min Trainings
Value $3000
6 Group 60 min sessions for Implementation & additional Q & A
This will encourage you to put time in your calendar to actually do the work & get precious feedback
Value $2500
So you can re-listen to the trainings or catch up on ones you may have missed
Value $300
Workbooks with templates & scripts
We don’t want you wasting time when we have it all scripted or created for you
Value $1500
30 Min Graduation call
This final call will give you your next best steps and answer any final questions
Value $600

BONUS Website Audit
Now that you’re business has found a new position in the market, I will audit your website to point out simple improvements to increase conversion
Value $900
BONUS Client Attracting Website Recording
Here’s the reasoning behind the changes you’ll be making
My promise is always to over deliver.
Value $600
Total Value
Get Started Now, Choose A Payment Option
Option 1
Pay in Full
Option 2
3 Monthly Payments
Let’s get real here for a moment…

What is it costing you to sound like everyone else in your marketing; in your networking introductions? To stay unknown?
What is it costing you month after month, year after year, wasting your time on marketing that isn’t bringing you the clients you really desire?
What is it costing you to stay the best-kept secret and seeing others in your industry become the rock stars?
What is it costing your self-belief & confidence?

Group Classes on Zoom starting August 2023
You’ll complete this program knowing how to:
Free up 10-20 hours a week in your agenda
Simplify everything in your business using the Magic Rule of 1
Plan & craft messaging and content that will not only get you noticed but that you’ll love to create consistently
Use your Unforgettable Flagship Framework as your unique methodology for group programs, private events, retreats
10x the value of your programs, products or services
Stand out from your competition as the sought-after, undeniable authority in your industry with your Authority Visibility Blueprint
I remember starting my coaching business!
I didn’t know what a streamlined or profitable business looked like. I saw those gurus on social media hopping from one marketing tactic to another so I thought I had to do the same thing!!!
But when that didn’t work ….. I knew something had to change! I knew there had to be a better way!
Said goodbye to hustle -- #nohustle!
Said goodbye to complexity & hello to simplicity
Said goodbye to thinking working hard = success
Said hello to #workless earn more
Goodbye to marketing everywhere
Saying hello to developing my thought leadership that would make me STAND OUT and be a magnet for both dream clients & rock star team members!

As a business coach,
I was in a highly competitive industry so I had to stand out before my clients could find me and then hire me!
It took me finding not only the right support, but the right strategies and structures so I could differentiate myself & my business so I would stand out from all the other business coaches.
No one else has the GROW Equation
No one else talks about marketing proficiency
No one else has the GROWmeter
No one else has the Magic Rule of 1 framework!
Today I have a simple business
that generates the profits I desire and gives me ample time off for boating with my retired husband.
You too can have a simple business that is both sustainable and profitable with ample time off. That’s what I want for you

Differentiate to GROW:
Unknown Expert to Undeniable Authority
Group Classes on Zoom starting August 2023
Private 60 min call
This will help identity your main challengs & create focus for the coming weeks.
Value $1000
6 Group 90 min Trainings
Value $3000
6 Group 60 min sessions for Implementation & additional Q & A
This will encourage you to put time in your calendar to actually do the work & get precious feedback
Value $2500
So you can re-listen to the trainings or catch up on ones you may have missed
Value $300
Workbooks with templates & scripts
We don’t want you wasting time when we have it all scripted or created for you
Value $1500
30 Min Graduation call
This final call will give you your next best steps and answer any final questions
Value $600

BONUS Website Audit
Now that you’re business has found a new position in the market, I will audit your website and point out simple improvements to increase conversion
Value $900
BONUS Client Attracting Website Recording
Here’s the reasoning behind the changes you’ll be making
My promise is always to over deliver.
Value $600
Total Value
Option 1
Pay in Full
Option 2
3 Monthly Payments

Diana Lidstone
After three decades in business and working globally with coaches, consultants, and experts, Diana Lidstone has gathered rock-solid wisdom and advice that has helped thousands of entrepreneurs and professionals accelerate growth and increase profits while freeing up more time for the things they love.
As the creator of the GPS Grow-meter and The Marketing Proficiency Effect, and as the best-selling author of Shift into Rich: Navigate the 9 Roadblocks to Small Business Success, Diana’s signature Ultimate G+R+O=W Equation transforms frazzled, overworked business owners into profitable, overjoyed CEOs.
Diana is also the host of The Work Less Profit More Business podcast.