Learn how to market in this new economy without wasting your time on systems and programs that just don’t work

Get more leads, sales, and confidence!

Learn how to market in this new economy without wasting your time on systems and programs that just don’t work

Get more leads, sales, and confidence!

In my 35+ years as a business owner coaching CEOs, consultants and coaches all over North America, I’ve noticed that while you love the work you do, so many of you struggle with your marketing.

If you’re like many of my clients, I bet you’re feeling

>>   Discouraged – you’ve tried all of the marketing tactics but your efforts just aren’t producing the results you want OR

>>  Overwhelmed – you just don’t know where to start with your marketing so you don’t do anything. AND PROBABLY

>>  Scared – This new reality is hitting home, and you’re wondering what your business will look like on the other side

Maybe you’ve even reached the end of the line – if this business of yours doesn’t start producing results soon, you’re going to have to fold it up and go out and get a ‘job’. Ugh.

“We worked with Diana and the number of qualified leads we received were 20X more than before – plus we saved 100K by realizing we didn’t have to hire a sales manager”        – Lara
“We worked with Diana and the number of qualified leads we received were 20X more than before – plus we saved 100K by realizing we didn’t have to hire a sales manager”        – Lara

None of those scenarios are going to position you well when we have a market rebound.

In fact, it’s likely that the marketing you are doing is COSTING you loss of clients, loss of sales and even lost confidence.

During this new economy, it’s time to double down on marketing – but it needs to be marketing that brings you the kind of leads you want, the sales you want, and the confidence to make marketing more joyful!

  It’s time to get ready to position yourself as the go-to expert once our economy experiences a rebound!


Now Is The Time


Get yourself and your business ready for the future – for more leads, more sales and more confidence.




Finally spend time ON your business (and let’s face it – you have the time).




Figure out a marketing plan so your business can get ahead of your competition.




the Marketing Roadmap intensive

A complete system that actually WORKS to get you leads, clients and confidence without wasting your time OR your money.

The course begins February 4th, 2021!

This ‘STEP BY STEP System’ is the same one that I’ve been teaching for over 5 years with hundreds of success stories, but I’ve changed it to be more about our current economic and social situation.


My goal is to share the kind of content and high level results I get with my private clients – but QUICKER, and at a lower price!

I know many of you are concerned about investing money at this time but you also know that NOW is the time – so I’m offering this intensive program at a ridiculously low price.

And, unlike other programs that provide cookie-cutter solutions and low-end results, this program is vetted by my many successful clients, proven to work, and I GUARANTEE it will work for you.


Trusted by Influential Brands

But who am I to promise you all this?

Well hello there, let me introduce myself. I’m Diana Lidstone, a Marketing and Business strategist.

I’m an award-winning entrepreneur, #1 best selling author and speaker, and I’ve been building businesses for over 35 years. I’ve helped hundreds of business owners double and even triple their profits, and I can help you get there too.

But don’t just take my word for it…

thumb_01_60_60Silvana Sicoli

Real Estate Agent

Diana presents best practices, critical components, knowledge; and her experience in a relevant, effective, palatable, understandable, and practical way. Her delivery is gracious, authentic, not daunting in any way, and yet effective.


thumb_02_60_60 Michelle Deschenes

ACE Nutrition and Diet Consulting

“Diana Lidstone gets down to the nitty gritty facts and helps entrepreneurs to navigate the roadblocks to small business success. I would highly recommend her one day workshop as it helps you focus on what really needs to be accomplished to be successful.”


thumb_01_60_60Nathalie Pedicelli

Metamorphoses – WikiTravel

“When I first met Diana, I didn’t really have a business – it was more like a hobby. Diana not only showed me how to be an EXPERT but she believed in me. I’ll admit it, it was a slow process but today I have a real business. By specializing and focusing on my niche, I’m now a sought after speaker at national conferences.”


thumb_02_60_60 Brenda Birch

Arbonne International – Media Wiki

“When I met Diana, I was paralyzed by fear and generally felt “lost”. Working with Diana has not only given me back my confidence but kept me accountable to my personal goals. I’m grateful to be surrounding myself with like-minded entrepreneurs who are striving to achieve greatness in all areas of their life.”


thumb_01_60_60Ryan Lubell-Smith

Real Estate Agent

Diana & I spent the two months working together one-on-one. After the coaching sessions, I felt more organized and I came away with an appreciation marketing plan for the upcoming real estate season, and beyond. Her approach, tips & tools for building customer relationships and customer loyalty will make this season my best yet!”


thumb_02_60_60 Jayne Blumenthal

Business Strategist

“Over the last few years, I’ve seen Diana help numerous entrepreneurs significantly grow their business with her GPS strategy. Her vast personal business experience, her ability to listen to customers and to impart her knowledge to them makes her a sought after marketing coach.”


By the time you’ve finished this intensive program, you’ll be able to


White Arrows Understand why MORE marketing isn’t the answer to more sales so you can STOP doing things that just don’t work

White Arrows Clearly talk about your business so prospects listen AND hire you

White Arrows Know how to implement your message across all your marketing channels easily and without “tech” headaches

White Arrows Use templates and scripts to organize & implement your content and programs with confidence and purpose, knowing you will get results

My promise is to walk you through my Step by Step Confident Marketing Roadmap to take you from invisible expert to confident CEO of your growing business – in only 10 weeks!

We’ll cover everything you need to fill your pipeline and get new clients,
a complete marketing system from A to Z including:

  Marketing Mindset Training

  Marketing Scorecard – identifying your current marketing gaps

Narrowing your audience – not everyone is your dream client

Understanding your Entrepreneurial DNA & Content Style

  Narrowing your offers including understanding your Profit Pyramid

Simplifing your message across all platforms

Mastering Lead Generation & creating a lead magnet

 Turning your website into a sales machine

Mastering your 90-day content

Discussing systems to scale

Here’s Everything You Get Inside The
Marketing Roadmap Intensive

The same content that my high level private clients get – but in a virtual, group format!

10 Hours of Live Group Training Sessions

Beginning February 4th, you’ll get 10 live group training sessions (a one-hour ZOOM call per week for 10 weeks) in which you will discover the EXACT processes and procedures that we use to create a global speaking business, inspire and influence thousands of people all over the world and monetize every opportunity. ($3,000 Value)

5 Live Q&A Calls with Diana

Every 2nd week we’ll have live group Q&A Zoom calls with Diana to answer your questions and add personalized finishing touches to your signature message and your marketing. This is where you’ll make sure you have a powerhouse marketing system tailored to your specific business ($900 Value)

Email Lessons Weekly

On-going training via email between calls to keep you focused and on track while you develop your new transformational message, including workbooks, checklists, and resources that help you complete the training. ($697 value) 

1-on-1 Private Training Call with Diana

Once your marketing message is dialed in you’ll get the benefit of one thirty-minute one-on-one training call with Diana to help you refine the components of your marketing ($250 Value)

Private Facebook Group

Private Facebook group where you’ll have almost instant feedback to your questions from Diana and group members. You can also post test videos of your new message for input from Diana and from other business owners ($ Priceless)

PLUS these amazing bonuses
take things to the next level

Full Access to the Business Library

Your all-access pass to my private business library which is a vault of videos and training documents, webinars, workbooks, scripts and templates to take your business from now to wow! ($697 Value)

Content Creation Mini Course

Access to CONTENT CREATION BOOTCAMP Homestudy Mini Course with templates to help you plan ALL of your content marketing (Value $297).

Call Recordings Vault

Access to all call recordings for you to download and keep for your review and on-going development. Watch them as often as you need, on your own time! (Priceless)

Here’s a recap of all the goodies

  • 1 Private Call 1 on 1 with Diana ($250 value)
  • 10 Live Group Training Sessions with Diana ($3000 value)
  • 5 Group Q&A Calls ($900 value)
  • 10 weeks of email training including workbooks and exercises ($697 value)
  • Private Facebook Group to interact with your peers (priceless)
  • Access to Private Business Success Library ($697 value)
  • Content Creation Bootcamp Homestudy Mini Course ($297 value)
  • All call recordings for you to review anytime (priceless)

Total Value – $5841

BUT – I’m offering it right now for the ridiculously low price of $1,197

OR – 2 Payments of $625

Don't Wait! The course begins in:









“My sales EXPLODED by 4X and I even have a waiting list! The investment of working with Diana has certainly paid off greatly”        – Sandra

Here’s My Promise To You

I’m so confident that you will receive incredible value from our time together, that if after completing the Marketing Roadmap Intensive program, and implementing the learning from the program, you feel I have not gone above and beyond your expectations and provided excellent value and the program has not helped you to move your business forward, I will refund your payment in full.

All I ask is that you fully immerse yourself in the program and all aspects of the training modules and your one to one coaching calls that I’m providing, complete the worksheets, and ask for feedback and support on our calls.

If you participate and fully complete all of the activities and materials, and you find the program isn’t for you, just let me know and I will refund your investment – 100% Happiness Guaranteed.



How long is the program?

The program begins on February 4th, 2021 and runs for 10 weeks. By the end of the 10 weeks you will have everything you need for a complete marketing program tailored to your business needs.

Will I see results?

I wish I could guarantee results but honestly, I can’t. Sometimes I see two clients with access to the same tools, resources and support get very different results. If you’re prepared to do the work – you will definitely see results.

I'm just starting out - is this program for me?

YES YES and YES. I wish more business owners would start their businesses with the correct foundations. This training will put you on the right path to market your business correctly from the start.

I'm a seasoned entrepreneur - what will I get out of this training?

Tons! You’ll walk through a Marketing Scorecard at the beginning of our training that will help you identify where your marketing could be tweaked, language could be changed, or a full pivot initiated. This will allow you to maximize your marketing efforts so you can attract more leads, more sales and more confidence.

What if I can't attend all the calls?

All the private and group calls will be recorded and sent to you via dropbox that way if you miss a call, you’ll still get the valuable information as well as the live examples from other participants.

I'm overwhelmed with marketing now, how will this training help me?

Due to the proven, step by step nature of this training, many participants have actually told me that overwhelm disappears VERY quickly.  This course is meant to STOP your overwhelm, not add to it!

What happens after I make my investment?

As soon as you’re registered with your investment (either full pay or payment plan), you’ll receive an email from me inviting you to the Welcome Call which is scheduled for February 4th via zoom.

How much time is required each week?

This is meant to be a marketing INTENSIVE – we’re moving quickly!  You can expect 1 hour a week on ZOOM calls and at least that amount again with homework and assignments.

Do I need to use a special program to access the materials?

If you can download a PDF and use ZOOM, you have everything you need to get started and make a difference for your business.  Never used ZOOM?  No worries, I can direct you to some simple tutorials, it’s very easy to use.

What is your refund policy?

I promise you I will show up and help you succeed.  By purchasing this course you are promising to show up too! We can’t offer refunds prior to the course work being completed, so I’m asking that you make sure you are ready before you buy.

You are, however, fully protected by our 100% Happiness Guarantee!  We guarantee you a full, no hassle refund if you have done the course work, applied the methods, and are not satisfied with the results.  The program is aimed to enhance your business success and to help you succeed.

I have more questions!

I know that making an investment in yourself and your business can feel scary, so if there’s anything I haven’t covered here that you need to know, you can email me directly at diana@dianalidstone.com

This amazing offer is only available till February 4th

  • 1 Private Call 1 on 1 with Diana ($250 value)
  • 10 Live Training Sessions with Diana ($3000 value)
  • 5 Group Q&A Calls ($900 value)
  • 10 weeks of email training including workbooks and exercises ($697 value)
  • Private Facebook Group to interact with your peers (priceless)
  • Access to Private Business Success Library ($697 value)
  • Content Creation Bootcamp Homestudy Mini Course ($297 value)
  • All call recordings for you to review anytime (priceless)

Total Value – $5841

Available Now For Only $1,197

OR – 2 Monthly Payments of $625

Here’s the truth.

In this new economy, NOW is the time to push ahead if you want to survive.

If not now, when will you take the time to build your business?

So don’t wait – we start on February 4th and I can’t wait to share with you all of the training that will transform your business and help you get ahead in this ‘new normal’.

– Diana

Don't Wait! The course begins in:








Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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