Tips & Strategies to

The Antidote To The Small Business HUSTLE
Have you ever done the small business owner HUSTLE? I have, and it goes something like this: You want to grow but aren’t sure what to do next so you start looking around and find the next trendy thing that is supposed to be the magic bullet to help you finally figure...

Two Ways To Grow Your Business
There are really two ways to grow a business! HUSTLE & GRIND. Using brute force you throw everything at your growth. All your time; all your energy; and all your money! WORK LESS, PROFIT More: This is a sustainable growth strategy where you do the hard work once...

The Biggest Planning Mistake Ever
After working with business founders for more than 10+ years, I’ve watched how most of them approach goal-setting and planning! They show up to my Quarterly Business Freedom Planning Day (QBFPD) with a list of exciting new things they want to create such as: Launching...

The Road to CEO – From Solopreneur to CEO
Like all things that transform, businesses evolve through stages of growth. After a recent discussion with a group of women entrepreneurs, we explored some key questions around growth including: What keeps businesses stuck in certain phases? What helps them evolve...

(Bottleneck #3) Your Most Difficult Bottleneck
As the CEO of your business, your job is to lead your team so they can turn your vision into reality. Therefore self-leadership and upleveling your leadership skills is vital to how your business will grow and scale in the future. According to Google, self-leadership...

(Bottleneck #2) The Power of Knowing Your Metrics
I’m a little embarrassed to say this but it was my husband who has taught me about the importance of knowing your numbers. I bet he is laughing now but metrics are the foundation of smart business decisions. Unfortunately many entrepreneurs rely on emotional business...

(Bottleneck #1) Uncork the Flow to Increasing Profits
Your lack of clients isn’t really your problem... it’s only a symptom that your marketing and messaging aren’t bringing you the right leads! (Don’t kill the messenger but it’s true, I’ve lived it). Marketing is perhaps the biggest bottleneck for the majority of...

Rediscover Freedom and Flexibility in Your Business
Freedom and flexibility are often the reasons we start our businesses—whether it’s to gain financial independence, spend more time with family, or travel the world. Yet, for many business owners, the dream doesn’t align with reality. Research shows small business...

3 Revenue Blockers Stalling Your Business
“I’m tired of spinning my wheels’…. “I want to scale my business in 2025” “My marketing isn’t bringing me the clients I want” If you’re a coach, consultant or professional entrepreneur, I’m guessing that at one time or another you’ve said something similar to the...

Are You Using AI to Grow Your Small Business?
In the early 1990s, people were saying that the internet was a fad; it wouldn’t last; and why did we need it? These past few years, we’ve been hearing the same thing about AI (artificial intelligence). While AI has been around for a long time, it wasn’t readily...