Private Coaching

One-on-one business mentoring to SHIFT your business…into rich!

Have you had the same business for years?

• Are you heading for burnout?
• Not attracting the kind of clients you wish you had?
• Stuck at an income level and want to be making more money or have a bigger impact?

Together over the course of one year, I’ll give you the strategies and support you need to restructure your business—and get back to loving your life.


This one-year private coaching program is for you if:

• You are comfortable building your business over a series of months

• You enjoy one-on-one intensive learning via “deep-dive” methods

• You are seeking guidance on business growth, expansion, even perhaps the eventual sale of your business

Your program includes all this:

This program is delivered through a combination of intensive work days (usually face-to-face) and three accountability calls per month. Together, we will:

• Several intensive one-on-one work sessions (Usually done face-to-face)

• 3 accountability calls per month (To keep you focused and on track)

Here’s what you can expect when you do private coaching with me:

Above all else, my coaching program will help you pull together the pieces of your growing business:

• Business vision (Detailed Dream)

• Marketing (message, method, market)

• Product (Premium Signature Offer)

• Sales (conversations & conversions)

• Team (Rome wasn’t built by one person)

• Mindset

Yes, I want to know more about Private Coaching with Diana

Get a complimentary 20-minute Business Breakthough Session where we can discuss your needs and schedule a date for your private session. I can’t wait to hear from you!

Top 5 Proven Client-Getting Secrets

Get new clients, easily, with my FREE GUIDE that teaches you the 5 proven client-getting secrets that my clients use to make their marketing easy.


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Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

Client Appreciation Workshop - Register Here!

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Listen To My Podcast Workshop Series

This 3-part training series has been designed to bring you complete clarity on the right activities & strategies to focus on in your business today, so you can build the business of your dreams for tomorrow.


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