Ep.97 – 3 Proven Reasons Why You Should Apply For Profit Potential Audit Interview

Ep. 97 – 3 Proven Reasons Why You Should Apply For Profit Potential Audit Interview

July 25, 2023

Have you ever wondered what the next best step might be for you and your business?

Have you ever made a decision and then self-doubt creep in and stop you?

Wish you could get someone else’s eyeballs on your business for about 15 minutes?

Well friends that’s exactly what a Profit Potential Audit interview is!!! And in this episode, I outline:

  • 3 reasons why you should apply to be on the show
  • The exact process for applying
  • Exactly who would be a great fit for these interviews

If you haven’t listened to Episode 75 where I introduce the Profit Potential Journey, I suggest that you do as it gives you the methodology behind these interviews and I outline the 4 stages of business growth!

Here’s the link to Ep. 75 – https://dianalidstone.com/blog/podcast/ep-75-introducing-the-profit-potential-journey/

You could be on my podcast!



  • Leave me a voice message here
  • Book a Growth Strategy Session here
  • Be a guest on my show Profit Potential Audit here

P.S.  Feel like you’re Chief Everything Officer in your business?

Sick and tired of constantly putting out fires?

Are you finally ready to earn explosive profits and take multiple guilt-free vacations?

If you’ve answered YES to any of the above, then I believe you’d be a perfect fit as a guest for my Profit Potential Audit interview on my podcast.  Not only will you get at least one concrete strategy to move your business forward, but you’ll also have the opportunity to increase your business’s visibility when you share about the awesome work you do.

APPLY here:  Profit Potential Audit Interview

Share your feedback with me by clicking here and leaving a short voice message!

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About Diana Lidstone

Diana Lidstone coaches entrepreneurs to accelerate growth and increase profits while freeing up more time for the things they love. Best-selling author, speaker, and host of the Work Less, Profit More Business Podcast, Diana transforms frazzled, overworked business owners into profitable, overjoyed CEOs.

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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