Who needs (or wants) rules? Certainly, we had enough of them when we were in school so why would we want them in our business? But if you are like me and have been in business for more than a few years, you have probably seen entrepreneurs make the same mistakes time, and time again. You’ve probably also noticed that successful businesses seem to do the same profitable things over and over. So these ‘good’ things – I am going to call them rules. In fact, I’m going to call them Rules of the Road.

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So why Rules of the Road? You have heard of the ‘road to success’. When I coach clients and consult, I use the analogy of taking a road trip. A road trip has a start and a destination. Road trips often take planning – usually the more planning the better the trip. On a road trip, a G.P.S. keeps you focused and on the correct path. All of these elements easily relate to YOUR small business.
Along the road to success, entrepreneurs need to keep their eye on the 12 Rules of the Road.
These rules include things such as a success mindset, a clear vision, a strong WHY, strategic planning, strong relationships, understand & monitor finances, legal & tax knowledge, personal well being, continuous learning, gratitude, WOW customer service, and lessons learned from failure. These rules don’t work on their own; they work in synchronisity — they strengthen one another other. They bring clarity and profit to your business.
January 2014 – I’m excited to launch a new program called 12 Rules of the Road which will be a combination group coaching & mastermind. This year-long program will be for only a select few entrepreneurs who are passionate and willing to commit to meet monthly face-to face; and then again once a month by phone!
So if you feel that you are all alone in your business and often get distracted, or if you aren’t getting the results you want because you aren’t accountable to yourself, then this program is for you. Check out the details at this link or call for more information!