Ep. 34 – Entrepreneurial Resilience: It’s what makes women owned businesses succeed in rural areas with Guest Doreen Ashton Wagner

July 14, 2022

As a woman who grew up in rural Québec, I know firsthand that women-owned businesses are the key to the vibrancy of many small rural towns.  Although the pandemic highlighted how much rural business owners needed their resilience to survive, we also talk about how this will impact business going forward. 

Doreen and I discuss and share a few laughs around:

  • A non-academic definition of resilience
  • 4 ‘m’ business model
  • Resilience inhibitors
  • How mapping out your support ecosystems can be extremely help
  • Making decisions wearing your business hat or your caregiver hat
  • Why we should normalize trial & error and not get stuck in perfectionism
  • Direct results of the research as well as future-casting the impact



After 20 years of running her own business, Doreen experienced burnout. Choosing to focus on her health, she sold her company in 2016. Her recovery journey led her back to university where she earned her Master’s degree with a thesis on entrepreneurial resilience. In 2018 she also founded Business Sisters, a social enterprise supporting rural woman business owners. Now she works in economic development and continues to mentor women business owners with actionable strategies to be happier in business.

https://business-sisters.ca/ | https://consoeurs-en-affaires.ca/



I have a question for you….. What do you want from your business?  What do you want your business to contribute to your life?  In other words, what is your definition of success?  Time off.  A new client of mine just told me that success for her was replacing her corporate salary PLUS spending 3 months in Mexico UNPLUGGED!!!  What is yours? 

Why am I asking….

Because that is the very first step of building a business that you LOVE.  And that’s what I do with each of my private coaching clients in my GROW TO CEO program where I help you build the business of your dreams without the hustle so you can create YOUR kind of success.  If you’re already enjoying 6-figure success and are looking for more – then book a call with me: www.dianalidstone.com/schedule!

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About Diana Lidstone

Diana Lidstone coaches entrepreneurs to accelerate growth and increase profits while freeing up more time for the things they love. Best-selling author, speaker, and host of the Work Less, Profit More Business Podcast, Diana transforms frazzled, overworked business owners into profitable, overjoyed CEOs.

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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