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Your business is already good but what if it could be great? Do you want to GROW your business without losing your sanity? Discover your business's strengths and weaknesses. Reveal your current growth challenges & what actions to take to overcome them. What's keeping you from growing your business? Why do most business owners feel like chaotic jugglers and end up burning out; while others seem to operate in calm & clarity with all the time in the world?
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Business Freedom Calculator
Let's start here...how old is your business?

0-2 years old
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3-5 years old
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6+ years old
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I started my business to:

Make a difference
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Have more freedom
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Have Both
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I have achieved those goals (to make a difference, have more freedom, or both):

Nowhere near
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Hell Yes!
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For the next set of questions, please choose the answer that is most true for you.

Got it!
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Our vision, mission and values are written, and have been properly communicated to all employees.
Our vision, mission and values are written, and have been properly communicated to all employees.

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I'm almost there, but there's room to improve.
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I'm just getting started.
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Our vision is clear with an effective strategic plan to move the business forward and we know what action steps to take to make it a reality.
Our vision is clear with an effective strategic plan to move the business forward and we know what action steps to take to make it a reality.

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I'm almost there, but there's room to improve.
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I'm just getting started.
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We are building our reputation around ONE simple and proven product or service.
We are building our reputation around ONE simple and proven product or service.

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I'm almost there, but there's room to improve.
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I'm just getting started.
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Our team understands and knows our differentiators and uses them in communication with clients and prospects
Our team understands and knows our differentiators and uses them in communication with clients and prospects

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I'm almost there, but there's room to improve.
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I'm just getting started.
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We have a proven process for doing business with our customers; it is named and visually illustrated and all of our sales people use it.
We have a proven process for doing business with our customers; it is named and visually illustrated and all of our sales people use it.

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I'm almost there, but there's room to improve.
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I'm just getting started.
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We have a written 90-day content marketing plan that is suited to our strengths.
We have a written 90-day content marketing plan that is suited to our strengths.

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I'm almost there, but there's room to improve.
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I'm just getting started.
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We consistently set aside time to create and execute daily, weekly and quarterly plans.
We consistently set aside time to create and execute daily, weekly and quarterly plans.

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I'm almost there, but there's room to improve.
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I'm just getting started.
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I engage the support of a mentor to help me see my business from a different perspective and keep me accountable.
I engage the support of a mentor to help me see my business from a different perspective and keep me accountable.

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I'm almost there, but there's room to improve.
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I'm just getting started.
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We measure and deliberately monitor specific key metrics using a DASHBOARD and continuously make adjustments to our strategies based on these metrics.
We measure and deliberately monitor specific key metrics using a DASHBOARD and continuously make adjustments to our strategies based on these metrics.

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I'm almost there, but there's room to improve.
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I'm just getting started.
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Our CFO (or Accountant) meets with us regularly to explain the impact of our numbers and trends including cash flow and budget.
Our CFO (or Accountant) meets with us regularly to explain the impact of our numbers and trends including cash flow and budget.

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I'm almost there, but there's room to improve.
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I'm just getting started.
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The business generates a consistent level of profit that is aligned with our long term vision and everyone is well paid.
The business generates a consistent level of profit that is aligned with our long term vision and everyone is well paid.

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I'm almost there, but there's room to improve.
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I'm just getting started.
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Every team member has at least one number they are accountable for keeping on track each week.
Every team member has at least one number they are accountable for keeping on track each week.

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I'm almost there, but there's room to improve.
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I'm just getting started.
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CEO - 1
As CEO, I have sacred time to focus on growing my business daily, weekly, and quarterly.
As CEO, I have sacred time to focus on growing my business daily, weekly, and quarterly.

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I'm almost there, but there's room to improve.
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I'm just getting started.
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CEO - 2
As CEO, I work more 'on' my business than I do 'in' my business staying in my zone of genius.
As CEO, I work more 'on' my business than I do 'in' my business staying in my zone of genius.

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I'm almost there, but there's room to improve.
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I'm just getting started.
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TEAM - 1
All of our team members are in the 'right seat', and engage in weekly meetings.
All of our team members are in the 'right seat', and engage in weekly meetings.

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I'm almost there, but there's room to improve.
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I'm just getting started.
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TEAM - 2
Our core values are clear and we are hiring, reviewing, rewarding and firing around them.
Our core values are clear and we are hiring, reviewing, rewarding and firing around them.

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I'm almost there, but there's room to improve.
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I'm just getting started.
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We have all the right systems, procedures and structures in place to facilitate scalable, sustainable growth without my direct daily input.
We have all the right systems, procedures and structures in place to facilitate scalable, sustainable growth without my direct daily input.

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I'm almost there, but there's room to improve.
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I'm just getting started.
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We have document systems for receiving feedback from customers and employees so we always know their level of satisfaction.
We have document systems for receiving feedback from customers and employees so we always know their level of satisfaction.

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I'm almost there, but there's room to improve.
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I'm just getting started.
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