Many years ago, I met Rita at a local networking event. It seemed for the next five years or so, Rita was at every event I attended. There was ONE thing about Rita that I will never forget.

Rita had mastered the art and the science of giving a compliment. Each and every time I met Rita, she gave me a sincere compliment. Not only that, the compliment was always given with a warm smile. She always made me feel like I was the only person in the room!

In hindsight, I know for a fact that this was a skill that Rita had mastered. I wasn’t the only person that she made feel special. She used this skill every single day.  And fifteen years later, I still remember Rita.

Why do I remember Rita even though I haven’t seen her in more than 10 years? (Read MORE)

In the words of Maya Angelou……

People may forget what you did but they will never forget how you made them FEEL!

Rita knew that making people feel special would make them remember her.

There is both an art and a science to giving sincere recognition and praise. It’s a skill that can help you network effectively, retain both clients and suppliers, as well as retain employees! In other words – it’s an amazing business skill.

That’s why in this week’s episode of Work Less PROFIT More business podcast, I interview a young woman who has developed a very successful speaking business based on recognition and praise. In this interview, you’ll hear not only how I originally doubted Sarah’s business model but how she has become known as the F.R.O.G. lady!

Be sure to listen, share and subscribe here!


Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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