The fog was so thick … I couldn’t see the road!  Years go, I was traveling from Montreal to Nova Scotia to visit my sister between Christmas and New Years on a twisty, windy road. Suddenly the fog was so thick, we couldn’t see the road in front of us … never mind the next car, truck or moose.  PANIC!  It felt so darn uncomfortable!

I tell this story because the same thing just happened to me in my business!  Recently I’ve been working to clear some of those big stubborn limiting beliefs …. you know, the ones that linger and say things like “I’m not good enough”, “who am I to think I could do something like that”…. Ever heard those before????   Well during the ‘clearing’ process, it became quite clear that I wasn’t thinking big enough in my business — my vision wasn’t big enough!  Those limiting beliefs were the fog and I couldn’t see clearly what was ahead.

Now, every year I create a vision board.  I create my goals for the year.  I set my intentions.  You do too right? That’s not enough!!! Here’s the thing …. those limiting beliefs were like the fog — I couldn’t see far enough down the road to create the true vision I needed for my business — to live to my potential — to help all those people that I wanted to help!!

So as we head into vacation mode (I’m heading off soon), I’m going to take time to DREAM BIGGER; to not ‘do stuff’ but to think about who I want to ‘BE’ .  This is really hard for me because, like many of you — I’m a doer.  But I’m going to take time to STOP DOING; I’m going to take time to BE; to play; to enjoy; and to dream bigger.

So here’s what I’d love to happen for you:

1.  Become aware that you have some limiting beliefs that are creating the fog for you!  Just say, yes!!!
2.  Get some help and support to deal with those limiting beliefs (ask me how I did it by clicking here and we’ll have a conversation).  Believe me — you can’t clear the fog by yourself — otherwise you would have done it by now!
3.  Dream BIGGER because from the CLARITY will come your superpower!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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