Imagine if your business was your car (play with me a little here). Take a moment and let’s go on a little journey.
You’ve got to go to the store. You grab your keys & purse, put on your coat, get into your car. Sit in the seat and get comfortable! How does that feel?
You check the dashboard — you’ve got enough gas! There aren’t any lights flashing so it seems you are good to go.
You SHIFT out of park. But something seems wrong. You press on the gas pedal and nothing happens. The engine roars but you aren’t moving. Finally you realize, you SHIFTED into neutral, not drive.
NOW — Think about your business……
Notice how much of what you do – getting ready – is automatic (meaning you don’t really think about it). Are there things in your business that you do but you don’t really think about? Perhaps there are some things that you SHOULDN’T be doing?
Do you check your dashboard? What are the gauges in your business you should be looking at?
Have you shifted into neutral? Perhaps you feel that your spinning your wheels or aren’t getting the traction you had hoped in your business?
It’s funny how we automatically know the route to the store; but we often don’t know the route (the map) that’s going to get us where we want to go in our business? Do you even have a road map for your business?
So here’s the action for today. When you get into your car — see what other analogies you notice. Do you keep your car clean — perhaps your business is unorganized? Do you use the GPS to plot the route to where you want to go?
If you’re ready to SHIFT your business and to create your roadmap for prosperity, then let’s get started. Time is passing – the best time to start … is today!
Small daily action steps will get you where you want to go. Here’s a couple of action steps — choose at least ONE to help you SHIFT.
1. Get your ticket to SHIFT (my new live event – click here)
2. Book a complimentary Business Breakthrough Session (here)
3. Buy ‘SHIFT into RICH: Navigate 9 Roadblocks to small business success’
4. Review Checklist – 11 Things Successful People Do Differently (download here)
In gratitude,
NEWS FLASH — Are you ready to ‘SHIFT’ your business? Join me on March 31 in Montreal or April 7 in Ottawa! Early bird tickets and sponsorships available here!