I know it’s not spring and there are no crickets here —  it’s definitely winter here today!  BUT are you hearing crickets (nothing) after you spend time, money & energy on your marketing?  Do you jump from one marketing method to another hoping that the next thing will work and bring you clients & cash?

I get it.  If you’ve read my previous blog (7 Shocking Reasons Why Your Marketing Isn’t Working), then you’ll remember that #7 is that most small business owners aren’t consistent with their marketing efforts.  The answer to that is to have a Simplified Marketing Schedule — a plan that you can commit to doing on a regular basis!

With all my clients, we create a SMS (Simplified Marketing Schedule) that is specifically for them but today I thought I’d share a format that you could customize for your own business.

I’m going to assume that you already know (very clearly & concisely) WHO your dream client is; and WHERE they hang out  (if you’re having trouble with that — join the Achiever’s Club – a program all about ‘creating clients’). 

Here’s what a SMS might look like…

  • Post consistently on ONE social media platform 3 times a week and increase to at least 5 times a week, sharing in appropriate groups!  
  • Once you’ve got one social media platform mastred, then start posting consistently on a 2nd social media platform increasing up to 5 times a week.
  • Add Facebook Live — today video is so powerful!  It gives your audience a true chance to begin the know like & trust factor!!  (I think I’ll do a post later on how to do FB live!!)
  • Write a blog/newsletter twice a month increasing to weekly.
  • Attend live networking events weekly increasing to 4 times a month.
  • Speak at events, seminars, etc. at least once a month, increasing to twice a month.
  • Meet with referral partners or strategic alliance partners weekly increasing to twice a week.
  • Host webinars/teleseminars once a quarter increasing to twice quarterly.
  • Sponsorships at least once a quarter increasing to twice quarterly.

BONUS TIP — Your content can be re-used during the week.  Here’s an example: My Monday FB post was about getting consistent results from consistent effort; Tuesday’s Thought – same theme about your marketing schedule; Wednesday’s Word will be consistency; Wednesday FB live will be about consistency; and Financial Friday’s post will be about how consistent marketing impacts your sales. Oh — and when I’m networking this week, I’ll talk about consistency!!  ONE THEME – many platforms.  WHY — because not everyone reads, not everyone watches FB live; etc.  (And I’m guessing your clients need to hear important messages over and over again — all with a slight twist until they are ready to make a change!

This SMS is very adaptable even with product based businesses.  Post about upcoming events, new product lines, give people a virtual tour of your ‘store’, invite them into your ‘store’.  For those of you who are coaches, healers, consultants remember that your customers are hungry for information from you!!!  You have tons of information and goodies stored in your head that your dream client would love to hear about!!

Honesty time …. do you have all the clients you want?  Remember that marketing drives the prospects to your door; then it’s the sales conversation that turns them into clients.  If you’re marketing isn’t driving prospects to your door or you are having trouble with sales conversation — then please, join me at SHIFT — a one day marketing & sales intensive for business owners who what to learn the HOW TO create more clients, make more money & have more time for fun!!!

JOIN ME at SHIFT – click here.

 In gratitude,


NEWS FLASH — If you want to position yourself as an EXPERT, there’s no better way that being a sponsor at an event.  It was huge for me in SHIFTing my business!  Interested?  Check it out here.  Returning sponsors tell me they get a 10x return on their investment !

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