PROSPER was a huge success and it was 12 days ago.  A number of people suggested that I deserved a ‘well-earned break’ and that I should take some time off.  Sounds like a wonderful idea.  I spent countless hours in my office working late at night and weekends preparing for this event.  There was the organizing of the sponsors, the venue, equipment, lunch, etc.  Then there was the content side — pulling together content, creating the power point and of course, practising my presentation.  All of which I am thrilled to do.

But what if I stopped there?  What if I didn’t reach out to the sponsors for their feedback?  What if I didn’t connect with attendees to see how I could support them in their businesses?  What if I didn’t ask my coach for input?   I didn’t take a break after PROSPER … I reached out … I followed up and I asked for feedback!

I learned from the sponsors how to make improvements for my next event.  I also learned from them who got great return on their investment.  I learned from my coach that my presentation although good — it still could be improved.  But most of all, I learned from attendees that they wanted something more.  They wanted another opportunity to interact with me.  I learned that if I hadn’t connected with them, I would be missing an opportunity to help them (and I would be leaving money on the table).

This event reinforced to me that ‘follow-up’ needs to be an integral part of every small business owner’s marketing strategy.  Now I understand that perhaps you don’t hold large one day events but do you go to networking events?  Do you spend time after the networking to connect with those that you met?  Do you follow-up?  Truly — fortune is in the follow-up!

PROSPER also taught me that I should always be open to new possibilities to support you.  Hence over the last week, I’ve created another way for you to interact with me.  I’ll be hosting a CEO PLANNING DAY (Jan 12 in Brockville; Jan 18 in Montreal) where we can work together in a VERY small group to plan out your BEST YEAR EVER!!!  I know that you know that businesses that plan grow 60% faster than those that don’t — so save the date by reserving your spot now by clicking here!

So you ask … why am I still busy?  Two reasons — follow-up is part of my marketing strategy AND because you told me you needed more!  Thanks for your feedback and support.  Grow, Prosper and Succeed!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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