Halloween is the perfect time for the unexpected!!!  Just like outrageous Halloween costumes, it can be a great time to reach out to your current clients and prospects with something unusual. 

Recently I’ve noticed several businesses using Thanksgiving as a time to thank their customers for their continued trust & patronage.  Great idea!  Customers love being appreciated and gifts such as pumpkin pies or Thanksgiving messages are wonderful. Gestures such as this strengthen relationships (which will lead to repeat sales and referrals)!

It's no trick - It's been a treat!

It’s no trick – It’s been a treat!

But you can also get a lot of bang for your buck at Halloween – especially if you love celebrating Halloween!  You don’t have to go crazy but why not dress up at the office and create some excitement?    A coaching business could send out an email with a scary title or pictures.  In a retail store, dress up or offer treats! 


Speaking of treats …. several of my customers have had great success sending out Halloween greeting cards with the inside greeting “It’s no trick; It’s been a treat … having you as a customer”.  It’s unexpected, uses a little humor and creates a little buzz!

Remember the 3 R’s of gratitude marketing …. relationships, repeat sales, referrals!  What will you do next month to increase the 3R’s?


Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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