It’s that time of year — time for me to purchase a new AGENDA. Yup, I’m still old school. I make no apologies even though I made several tech advancements this year (new website, new smart phone, etc.). I’m still having trouble putting my scheduling on my phone or laptop. I have trouble talking to a client and looking at my agenda at the same time.
What about you? What do you prefer or do you use both? I’ve seen some real techie individuals with cool paper agendas and vice-versa. In fact, this year I’ve talked to numerous individuals who have gone back to paper agendas.

My recommendation by Attitude Orange
More important than whether you use paper or tech is that you actually schedule and time block. Over the years, I’ve been told that scheduling is a constant challenge for entrepreneurs. But I have a theory …. is it the scheduling and time balancing OR is it the DECISION to make something a priority? Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?
Remember, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. It’s your decision how you want to spend that time. Whether it’s paper or tech, you have to make a decision to make the task a priority; then schedule; and commit! If prioritization is a challenge for you, then let’s talk. Call for your FREE strategy session and I’ll share my ONE BIG tip for making time scheduling & blocking easy! Good luck!