The jingles are on the radio and the decorations are out at the malls.  Christmas lights are starting to show up on homes in the neighbourhood.  It is the most wonderful time of the year!  But it also sends terror into the hearts of many small business owners!  Why?  Because it means that the year is almost at an end and that means – OMG – they have compile their year end figures and have to face the music.

The big question is  — have they made a profit?  But surely, you aren’t one of those business owners who waits until the last minute and takes your shoe box of receipts to your bookkeeper or accountant.  You are on top of your finances weekly – in fact almost daily…. RIGHT?  I certainly hope so.  (If you aren’t, I know a really, really good bookkeeper!).

But to most smart business owners, the end of one year means it’s time to start planning for the coming year.  Let me ask you … do you spend some quiet time several times a year putting your marketing plan together ON PAPER?  Do you look at the goals you set for last year and evaluate whether you reached those goals?  Do you review and evaluate your marketing efforts?  Do you know which ones provided the most bang for your buck (return on investment)?  You know you should, right? 

Somehow you avoid this activity each year.  You procrastinate and put it off saying that you will do it early in the new year and somehow it just never happens. Well – I have the perfect solution.

  • Step 1 – go out and buy your 2015 agenda this week (or online at
  • Step 2 – Block off the day – January 8th for a planning day.
  • Step 3 – Join other SMART business owners who will spend the day being a CEO; create annual marketing plan with dates, strategies and tactics all aligned with your vision for your business. (The cost is minimal – only $49 – register here).

Does that make you feel better?  The planning will happen this year.  The date is set.  The overwhelm will be gone and you will have a written plan going forward.  ACTION STEP – go and register right now!  You are amazing so let yourself shine!


Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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