Hello – my name is Diana. (response – Hello Diana) I’m a learning addict! There I’ve confessed!! I’m a life-long learner and that’s a good thing. I love to read personal development books; sign up for the latest webinars; subscribe to popular on-line biz courses; etc! Does this sound familiar to any of you? But can all this ‘learning’ be detrimental?
Two things I’ve learned ….

Addicted to learning — learning junkie — got any other descriptions?
It’s common knowledge that if you want your business to grow — you have to grow! That means your mind and personal development. I recently read that if you want your business revenue to double – you should triple your investment in personal development! Personal development opens our minds and thoughts to new ways of looking at the world, at ourselves and at our businesses. Perhaps my own biggest shift started when I read Louise L. Hay book — Heal your life. Even to this day, I spend 2-3 minutes before I go to sleep reading one of her affirmations! My mind goes to sleep thinking positive thoughts!
Secondly, a wise person once told me …. Diana, you already know everything that you need to know to make your business successful! You have all that knowledge and experience. Now you just need the commitment, courage and self-belief to make your business grow! Wiser words were never spoken. (So this year, I have stopped enrolling in webinars, ecourses, etc. UNLESS I can learn something in terms of presentation or it’s a topic that I’m focussed on for the next 90-days, i.e. list building or something very specific).
So here’s my 4 strategies for 2015 with regards to learning:
- Make time for personal development — it will impact your business growth. Start by blocking out 15-20 minutes daily (my preference is morning – to set your day up nicely).
- To get the most out of your ‘free’ trainings, consider:
- be clear on the actual benefit the course will offer YOU
- take notes and highlight strategics that you want to implement
- participate fully – ask questions, contribute to the conversation, etc.
- Evaluate whether it’s worth investing in their OFFER (because you know there will be one!)
- If you do sign-up for these free courses — set aside one day or one afternoon solely devoted to ‘learning’. Don’t interrupt your work flow for the next webinar — we know that most of them are recorded anyway!
- Send me the title of your favourite personal development book! I’m compiling a list and I’d love your input!
If you are committed to building a sustainable, profitable business and you want to live a fulfilled life — join me on March 27th for SHINE. I’ll teach you how to overcome 3 common road blocks that hold business owners back!