As a business owner, you worry about making more money (more sales) and yet you still want a life!  

I’m a big believer that your business should support your life.

Today I want to share 6 ways that you can have more sales WITHOUT working harder and longer.  

Which one will you choose to implement?

1.  DOUBLE the frequency of your sales conversations!  Now I’ll admit, this is a little more work however it is leading somewhere!  When you double the frequency of your sales conversations — you get so much better at it.  Which leads to ……

2.  DOUBLE your closing ratio.  This means is that you are getting so great at your sales conversation that more and more prospects are turning into clients!  No more work involved here!!

3. DOUBLE your referrals.  Every time you are having a sales conversation, you ask for a referral.  Ask your best customers … ‘do you know someone that would be interested in getting results like you are getting?’

4. DOUBLE your prices.  Yup!!  Believe me – almost every single one of you reading this is undervaluing your product/program.  Most of you should be doubling your prices.  It has nothing to do with what ‘the market will bear’; it has to do with your confidence.  Are you worth it?  Are you changing lives?  Are you a Tiffany’s or a Walmart?

5. DOUBLE your volume.  Now doubling your volume does not mean that you are doing more work!  By creating programs that offer double the volume, you simply sell bigger programs.  For instance, instead of working by the hour (packages) create your own program i.e. wedding photographer includes an anniversary shoot one year later.  Almost every business can do this!

6. UPSELL.  In order to upsell, you must have a ‘money mountain’ or a sales structure. For service based businesses, create your money mountain by starting at the bottom with a FREE educational piece on your website or at speaking events.  As you travel up the mountain, your offerings increase!  

Here’s an example – let’s stay with the wedding photographer idea:

free – 9 Tips for a better wedding photo (downloadable checklist)

free or low cost –  Recorded Webinar – 9 Tips for a better wedding photo
$ Engagement Photo Shoot (Basic & Gold offered)
$$Wedding Photo Shoot (Basic & Gold offered)
$$$ Anniversary Photo Shoot (Basic & Gold offered)
$$$$ Ultimate Lover’s Photo Shoot (includes all of the above)

Each time you offer your prospect a new program, the price increases and so does the know-like-trust factor.  As this factor increases, they are willing to spend more from you!

There they are – six ways to make more money!  

Are you ready to be BOLD; BELIEVE BIGGER?  

Which one of these will you do so that you have the freedom you desire?

It is possible!  I believe in you!


PS.  Learn more about how to SUCCEED by attending my live event #SUCCEED in Montreal on Nov 11 or Ottawa on Nov 18th.  Tickets & Silver Sponsorships available here.

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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