Do you remember your kids impatiently asking …. are we there yet?  are we there yet?  And yet it seemed that you just started the journey!  (Or if you don’t have children, I bet you asked your parents???).

Well, I hear small business owners saying the same type of thing –  they ask, WHEN will I be there?  When will I stop feeling overwhelmed?  When will I have enough money to pay a team member?  When will I have enough clients?  When will I have enough time?

Funny thing is …. you’ll have all of those things … time, money, etc., when you decide to plan!  I just spent today with an amazing group of small business owners as they created their plan for their BEST YEAR YET!  (a wonderful virtual day of planning, telling stories, and getting work done ON our businesses!).  The only way to get enough time or money is to plan for it and then stay focused on activities that make the plan come true!

Do you have a plan to create the time and money you want this year?

If you do, how are the first 17 days turning out for you? (I’ll ask you again around the end of March).

So here are 4 steps to creating a detailed plan for your BEST YEAR YET:

  1. If you can DREAM IT; then you have the capacity to make it real.  The first step of building a successful business is to visualize what success looks like.  Just like Olympians who visual standing on the podium winning the gold medal!  If it works for Olympians, then I guess it certain could work for business owners.
  2.  Dreams are great but do you BELIEVE them.  You have to believe, deep down in your soul that you can turn your business dream into a success.  You have to believe and commit (that’s the second step).
  3. The third step is to PLAN IT..  Unfortunately success doesn’t happen by accident – it happens when you plan!   Once you’ve dreamt about your ‘success’, then it’s time to turn that into a real plan that includes specifics about when, where, how and why.
  4. The fourth step is to get into action or as I say …. DO IT. All the dreaming, believing and planning doesn’t do any good unless you implement!  This step also includes re-adjusting your plan if needed.

So what does your plan look like?  Is it scribbled on the back of a napkin or is it something well thought out that you review daily?  If you’d like a breakthrough in your business,  if you’d like to learn 5 things that might be stopping you from ‘getting there yet?’, (and learn the #1 secret to reaching success) — then reach out and book your Breakthrough Session with me at a time that is convenient to you. 

Here’s how …. 

1.  Book a time using this link here

2.  Fill out this form so that our time together is effective!

Here’s to your wildly amazingly successful 2017!

In gratitude,


PPPPPSSS.  Have you bought my best-selling book from yet???  Check out SHIFT into RICH: Navigate the 9 Roadblocks to Small Business Success!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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