I hear things like this all the time from prospects and clients …..

  • I hate networking .. it’s just a bunch of salesy people pushing their business cards at you
  • I hate networking … nothing good comes out of it so I stopped going.
  • I hate networking … I never find any clients that way.
  • I  go to networking just to socialize.

But what if networking wasn’t like that???  What if you went to networking events, talked to a few people and found your dream client!!  What if networking was fun & easy?   I promise – it can be like that!

In fact, last week, I started networking again after taking some time from it.  And yes, I walked into a room where I knew very few people but I left with two great possibilities — two business cards of individuals who were anxious for me to follow up with them after the meeting.

HOW DID I DO IT?  For me, networking is fun & easy.  I made the distinctive choice!  AND — I was prepared.  Having been a Girl Guide — I know that preparation is the key.  So how do you prepare for networking?

  1. have your business cards ready (are they brand appropriate, etc.)
  2. have a goal in mind (are you looking for clients, speaking engagements, etc.)
  3. know who you are looking for (who is your dream client and what are their ‘pain points’)
  4. know what to say (be comfortable with your elevator speech so that it comes across naturally and not rehearsed).

So would you like networking to be fun & easy?  What would it feel like for you to have all those 4  elements at your fingertips so that you could just walk into a room, shake a few hands, and leave with potential client conversations already booked?  (I know that for many of you – this would be heaven!)

Learning how to network effectively is key!!!!  Whether you are just starting out in business or are still building your business, networking offers the easiest and least expensive way to build your sales funnel.  And — it doesn’t require any fancy technology!  That’s why I recommend networking as your strongest marketing method!  It’s where you should be spending a great deal of time — and yet, for many of you, it brings up feelings of overwhelm, frustration and boredom! The secret to effective networking is to be able to tell people what you do and who you do it for, in a manner that they say, OMG, I need you!

That’s why I created my 2-day live workshop — MARKETING MAGIC!  The whole purpose of this workshop is for you to be able to maximize your networking efforts and to get results from those efforts!  Marketing Magic will be held August 21 & 22 in Brockville — this will be the last time it will be held until 2018!!  

If you aren’t sure if this interactive workshop is for you — head over to the Marketing Magic page and answer the 10 quick diagnostic questions!  

Marketing Magic has made a HUGE difference to those who have attended in the past!  Here’s what some past attendees said….

If you are struggling to launch or grow a service-based business — this is the seminar for you!” 

“Diana helped me see that what I had to offer was even more special than I thought it was.  She helped me see who needs what I have to offer.  Thank you”;  

“Exactly what I needed to get me out of my shell and I truly appreciated the group feedback”.

“This was a GREAT experience!!!  I learned so much about focusing in on MY market — it helped me wrap my head around those top 20% of the clients who will give me 80% of my business!”

“I would recommend Marketing Magic to anyone who wants to fine tune their focus so that their marketing actually targets their primary, ideal, potential clients”.

REGISTER TODAY so that you don’t spend the next networking season NOT getting the results you want — not getting the high paying clients you want; not wasting your time; and not having the impact that you want because you know that you can help so many more people!

I believe your business can be whatever you want it to be!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

Client Appreciation Workshop - Register Here!

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