HONESTY — that’s why sometimes I hand out a little tough love!  If you’ve ever worked with me, you know what I mean.  If you haven’t worked with me, know that I love every single one of my clients and believe in them to the moon and back.  I just want the best for you!

TRANSFORMATION — not just information!  Information is easy to get anywhere — internet, free webinars, pdfs, etc.  But to truly have a transformation in your business, things will have to change.  I’m here to help you navigate that change and to be your cheerleader!

PREMIUM PRICING — You have a gift and why should you sell it at a Walmart price?  (I mean both Tiffany’s and Walmart sell jewellry – which would you rather be?) And I can already hear you saying things like …. but, no one will buy at that price!  Honesty time — I used to say the same thing until I overcame my sabotaging money beliefs!  But I believe that you DESERVE to make good money from your gifts!

COMPLETE SOLUTIONS — I’m here to help you put together ALL the pieces of your business puzzle — the whole thing!!  Check out the graphic below!  What’s the easiest way to put together a complicated puzzle — with help and by getting the corners together!  Look again!

ACTION — Now although I’ve often stated that ‘Action trumps planning’, I still believe in a little planning.  But if you aren’t in action — you’re stagnating!  Get out there and implement.  It doesn’t have to be perfect!!

YOU — you have a gift; a uniqueness that no one else has!  You can do it — and I’m here to help you save some time so that you can have it quicker and faster than struggling by yourself!

What are the core beliefs that you have in your business?  Share them with me in the Facebook group Grow, Prosper and Succeed.

Feel you might be ready to SHIFT your business to the next level of growth?
Ready to stop re-inventing the wheel in your business?
Are you ready to stop tolerating teeny weeny tiny incremental steps in biz growth?

Then check out MARKETING MAGIC — it isn’t just information; it’s TRANSFORMATIONAL!  

Marketing Magic has made a HUGE difference to those who have attended in the past!  Here’s what some past attendees said….

“Diana helped me see that what I had to offer was even more special than I thought it was.  She helped me see who needs what I have to offer.  Thank you”;  

“This was a GREAT experience!!!  I learned so much about focusing in on MY market — it helped me wrap my head around those top 20% of the clients who will give me 80% of my business!”

“I would recommend Marketing Magic to anyone who wants to fine tune their focus so that their marketing actually targets their primary, ideal, potential clients”.

REGISTER TODAY so that you can finally step into the transformational growth you’ve always wanted for your business (and yourself)!

I believe your business can be whatever you want it to be!


PPS – You might have noticed a name change — I’m rebranding my events and a few of my courses.  The word SHIFT will become more prominent now going forward. At SHIFT – Money & Mindset this fall, I’ll announce some new programs!!

PS.  Check out Facebook Live – Wednesday morning at 8am at Diana Lidstone – The Entrepreneur’s GPS. HOT TOPIC — 5 Little Sales Mistakes that are costing you clients!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

Client Appreciation Workshop - Register Here!

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