Networking is one of the simplest marketing strategies you can use to grow your business!  It doesn’t require any complicated sales funnels; no frustrating technology; and no paid advertising and YET so many entrepreneurs seem to lack good networking skills — yes, those skills that attract a steady stream of clients!

I remember that I used to lie awake at night before a networking event worrying that I would say the wrong thing to people; that I wouldn’t know anyone; that other people would judge me or that it would simply be a waste of time!  It took me several years to feel really comfortable at networking events!  And then it took even longer before I was able to actually go to a networking event and come home with a couple of qualified prospects!

How about you?  Do you suffer from networking nightmares?

Here’s 3 powerful tips that will help alleviate those fears and get you the results you want:

Learn to ask lots of questions!  Be curious about the other people!  Remember – it’s about THEM; not you.  When you show a genuine interest in others, they will remember you.  Also when you are curious about others, they will reciprocate and ask about you (and of course, your business).  Ask questions such as:

  • have you been to this event before?
  • is this your first time at this event?
  • how long have you been in business?
  • what do you love most about your business?

You can also ask questions about Family, Occupation, Recreation, Money — i.e. FORM!

Talk about the results you get for your clients; not your process!  An example might be that if you’re a weight loss coach you might talk about the fact that you help people lose weight and keep it off even if they have tried everything else!  You don’t talk about the fact that they will have to change their eating habits; exercise 3 times a week; and keep a food journal!  People don’t buy exercise and diets; they buy the results!!

Have a clear & compelling message about who you help and the results; and don’t use the words “I am a ___________ (weight loss coach)”.  I often say that the words ‘I am a” are the 3 words that kill conversations at a networking event!!!  Why you might say?  Imagine you’re a weight loss coach at an event with 10 other weight loss coaches.  First, saying that you’re a weight loss coach certainly won’t distinguish yourself from the others in the room!  Secondly, when you introduce yourself with your job title, people have a preconceived idea what that job is about.  For instance, not every weight loss coach gets the same results or focuses on helping the same target audience!  Make ourself stand out from the crowd with a clear and compelling message!

Want to learn more as to how you can create a clear & compelling message?
Want to learn how to make your marketing more effective?
Want to discover the marketing mistakes that are costing you clients and income right now …. and how to turn it around in a flash and put a smile on your face all the way to the bank?

Then SHIFT – the marketing event is just what you need!  Join me in either Montreal, Ottawa or Kingston!   Info here!

Imagine with all your mind
Believe with all your heart
Achieve with all your might!

P.S.   GOT YOUR TICKETS TO SHIFT-The marketing event yet?  You won’t want to miss this amazing, interactive day of networking, learning & fun!!!  Click here

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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