Today every business has a website of one sort or another!  A website can tell you a lot about a company or person!  If you’ve spent much time on the internet, you can probably quickly identify a site that ‘looks’ old or isn’t mobile friendly and to me that indicates that the company isn’t keeping up with technology.

We also know that if we are searching the internet, humans are easily distracted and a website MUST capture your attention quickly!!! Is your website crafted to attract and keep the attention of your Dream Client so that you can actually turn that cold lead into a warm lead and eventually a client?

With these 5 sure-fire website secrets, your website is MUCH more likely to attract and keep your dream client’s attention!

1.     Your compelling message must come across loud & clear within 3-5 seconds.  In other words, who are you selling to; what are you selling; and what benefits would your buyer get from hiring you!  WOW all that in 3-5 seconds!
An example might be from a company that helps business owners stay focused …….We help business owners develop a more focused mindset so thy get more done and are more productive in their working day!

(This is one of the BIG mistakes that coaches & consultants often make – they aren’t clear on their message.  If you feel that your message could use some clarity, check out Marketing Magic)

2.     Convert cold leads into warm leads: You do this on your website by using the Law of Reciprocity.  In other words,  you give your prospect something of value in exchange for their contact information (email address and name).  Gone are the days when you ask people to ‘sign up for my newsletter’ – who wants another newsletter?  So this is why it’s so important to offer a Freebie, Opt-in or lead magnet that provides helps your dream client quickly solve one little itty bitty problem!

3.     Position your Freebie on the top right hand corner for maximum visibility and be sure to outline (in bullet form) the benefits or results of the freebie (in other words, why it’s so important to leave their contact information in exchange for it).

4.     Stay in touch:  Once your Dream Client has downloaded your freebie, now it’s up to you to stay in touch with them.  There’s no point collecting email addresses and building an email list if you don’t stay in touch.  Initially, you might want to create a stay-in-touch sequence i.e.  Did you have a chance to read my freebie; how to use the freebie; etc.   Then longer term, how often to you send out newsletters/blogs – once a month; weekly?  Try to be consistent (consistent effort = consistent results).

5.     CTA (call to action): Each website should direct your dream client ‘how to take the next step with you’.  What do you want them to do?  Call you; book an appointment; etc.

BONUS #6.   Testimonials:  Testimonials on your website add instant credibility, especially those that have a picture, name and company name!

With these simple secrets, your website can act generate ongoing sales, even while you sleep.

ACTION:  Does you website need a tweaking?  Sometimes even the smallest changes can make a huge difference!

NEXT week I want to continue this theme about your website so we will tackle the topic of Freebies in a series — why they are important; how to create them; how to name them, etc.!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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