Why are some business owners more successful than others?
Some lawyers more successful than their competition?
Some real estate agents and investors more successful than others?
Just why is it?

Well, you could say it’s because they are better lawyers; or better agents?
You could say it’s because they run their business better?
You could say it’s because they had more money to invest in their business to start off?

You could say…………. (well, fill in the blank).

After 40+ years as an entrepreneur and for the last 10+ years working with business owners who want to grow their business (and love their life), I’ve discovered the ONE domino strategy that will catapult a business further faster than anything.

Are you ready for it?

It’s better marketing! Marketing so good that you can’t be ignored!

Simple as that.

The business that grows faster, more sustainably and is more profitable is the ONE that gets chosen – it’s the one that gets hired – it’s the one that attracts not more clients, but better clients!

You see…. It’s the prospect that chooses you.

So your marketing must, in the eyes of your customer, make you STAND out from the competition.

There was a time, years ago when marketing was all about offering a better product, service or program than your competition.

But to get CHOSEN today, you must first catch the prospect’s attention!

You don’t catch their attention by:

  • Using the same boring marketing language in your content as your competition.
  • Making your website look like everyone else’s in your industry.
  • Doing exactly the same types of activities as your competition.
  • Sounding like every other expert in your field when you introduce yourself.
  • Offering the same types of programs, products or services that are industry standard, or ever pricing the same way.

Today just because you’re an expert in your field that alone doesn’t guarantee your success. In fact, it’s more likely that it’s the best marketer rather than the best expert that builds success!

In today’s marketplace, you have to appear to be different!

There’s a great book – Get Different, by Mike Michalowicz. Yes, the content of the book is great and somewhat provocative. But his book is different from the very outset – the cover is different!

Not only is the cover brightly coloured (see) and the text different, but the cover can be unfolded to become a banner poster saying, I’m doing different.  Now that’s different!!! It’s not the same old boring book cover!

Another well-known proponent of being different is Sally Hogshead (imagine going to school with a name like that!!??).  Ms. Hogshead wrote several books on how to Fascinate your customer. Her famous quote is:


So let’s go back to my original question ….

Why are some businesses more successful than others?

The answer is simple – successful businesses get chosen by being different, rather than better. In other words, their marketing is so good that they can’t be ignored! They stand out from their competition by using different language and by showcasing their difference in their marketing strategy and in their content.

So let’s get honest here for a minute.

  • Are you using standard industry language in your marketing?
  • Is your marketing the same old stuff that your competition is doing?
  • Do you know 3 ways that you stand out from your competition? (and I don’t mean you’ve got different credentials; you’ve got more years of experience; or that you are ‘better’ than they are).

How are you REALLY different?

Are you highlighting these differences in your marketing?

In this week’s episode of Work Less PROFIT More business podcast, I’ll chat with a former client, a real estate investor, who learned how to use his differentiators to attract the right kinds of deals and capital (his clients) to work less and profit more!

Be sure to listen, share and subscribe here!


P.S. Want to appear to be different? Want to stand out from your competition so that YOU get chosen? A VIP Day with me can do that for you! Book a call and let’s put your differentiators to work in your marketing so you can attract better clients.

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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