The goal of marketing is to bring you qualified prospects who are ready to purchase your program, product or service. If you’re spending time and money on marketing that isn’t doing that – then you’re marketing isn’t working AND you’re wasting precious time (and I know you don’t want that!).

There are two reasons why your marketing may not be working:

  1. it may be incomplete ie. Missing some critical elements OR
  2. it may be misaligned (with you or your clients).

In reality, marketing can only be one of two things:

Either it’s just promotion, a means of capturing the attention of your ideal customers…

OR, marketing is everything you do to create and communicate the value of your program, product or service to your ideal clients to convince them to purchase from you.

Either way, you need the ‘everything’ version!

Whether you call it marketing or not.

When marketing is done properly it works like a machine where your efforts turn into reliable money in your bank account.

So today, let’s talk about how COMMUNICATE your value. Let’s talk about how you get the word out… your method of communication. Over the years, I’ve shared that the majority of my clients heard me speak whether on a stage, podcast or at a networking event. SPEAKING has always been my best method to communicate my value.

But speaking isn’t for everyone! While it’s true I wasn’t a great speaker to start with, it was always true that people resonated best with me when I spoke.

So what about you?

Here’s something to think about…

What’s your SWON strength?

  • Speaking
  • Writing
  • One-one
  • Networking

There is ONE that is best for you and you probably already know it.

Instead of trying EVERYTHING type of communication, focus on your STRENGTH and learn to perfect it! This immediately reduces the time you’ve wasted on methods of communication that aren’t the best use of your time AND reduces your marketing overwhelm. If you’d like some support understanding your SWON strength, book a call.

When marketing is done

There are several more ways to reduce your marketing overwhelm!

In this week’s episode of Work Less PROFIT More business podcast, I chat with Chantal Cornelius, from Appletree Marketing, who has developed a system to help you improve your marketing with the right choice of words! She calls it a ‘stand out strategy to unleash your marketing’!!

Believe me, her stand-out strategy is amazing and will help reduce your marketing overwhelm!!

Be sure to listen, share and subscribe here!  BTW, we also talked about buying shoes!


Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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