Here’s the honest truth…

  • before you build your website…
  • before you write your business plan…
  • before post on social media…
  • before you create your lead generation funnel…
  • before you write a blog post…

You must know the PROBLEM that your perfect fit client wants to be solved urgently!

There are a couple of keywords here…

  • Perfect fit clients
  • Wants solved
  • Urgently

Businesses exist to solve a problem – period.  The exchange of money happens when someone feels an emotional desire to fix a problem!

As ‘experts’, we think that all our ideas are golden and that everyone should want what we have to sell!  As experts, we know what our clients need to fix the problem however the kicker is that people don’t buy what they need – they emotionally purchase what they want.  These are two very different things we need to understand if we want to position our business/brand as the go-to expert.

So, if we explore this a little further, we need to ask ourselves some really important questions.

The first one that pops into my head is…

Are we solving a meaningful or life-changing problem (from the perspective of our clients)?

Sometimes as business owners we THINK we are solving a life-changing problem; however if you’re having trouble ‘selling’ your solution perhaps it’s not ‘life-changing’ or meaningful to your client.

Although that’s a great question, perhaps other questions might be better …

  • Does your marketing position you or your business as the perfect solution to the problem?
  • Is the problem positioned as life-changing?
  • Is the problem urgent to solve?
  • Is the problem I’m solving the biggest problem they have (in their mind)

Here’s what I mean.

Business owners have tons of challenges – too many to list here.  But typically, coaches, consultants and experts want to make more money (profit).

The biggest problem I solve for them is overwhelm.  In their own words, they say that overwhelm is keeping them from doing so many things such as:

✓  Having no free time due to a lack of ability to delegate and set boundaries.
✓  Ending up being the bottleneck in their business because they lack systems and automation to free up more time.
✓  Spending their day DOING administrative-type tasks instead of focusing on their zone of genius.
✓  Trying to be everything to everyone instead of micro-niche down and the other parts of the rule of 1 so that they sound just like everyone else in their industry.
✓  Attracting tons of not-perfect fit clients instead of magnetizing high-paying clients which helps them work less and earn more profit with ease.
✓  Standing out as the sought-after expert once they have developed their own intellectual property

For my clients – solving the overwhelm problem solves the other problems.  It’s rather like the first domino that hits the next and the next.

Every business is built on solving a problem!

Brené Brown solves shame.
David Ramsey solves debt
Lewis Howes solves self-doubt.

It’s the weight of the problem that determines how much they’re willing to spend on the solution.  Need a basic necessity like housing?  We are willing to spend significantly more on solving our own housing problem than on having whiter teeth.

Before you go off and spend your time building your business, make sure you have a problem worth solving.

What ONE problem does your business solve?

Can you explain it in ONE word?

Could you build your business around that one word?

Want some help with this…

You’re invited to attend my upcoming workshop on May 12 at 10 am EST CounterIntuitive Marketing Workshop

Learn how to:

  • Specialize so you can magnetize BETTER clients and earn more with ease
  • Use my Magical Micro-Niche Framework to identify your own micro-niche so that you’ll be able to create marketing messaging that speaks directly to your eager-to-buy prospect
  • Myth-busting – not everyone wants to work with you and why that’s a great thing!
  • Stop wasting time creating an avatar – try this instead!
  • Discover your ONE problem on which to build your business
  • Create messaging and content that is directed at solving the ONE problem you are a genius at solving for those high-paying clients who are already out there!

I’m so excited for this event!  Can’t wait for you to join me!


P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 2 ways I can help you GROW

1.  Subscribe to the GROW Equation Business Podcast – Click here

2.  Become My Next Success! If you want to work less and earn more, I’m working with a select few service-based business owners to help them create and implement a game plan so they can have more joy, more profits and more time away from their business. Schedule your call here.

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

Client Appreciation Workshop - Register Here!

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