Do you know someone struggling with their marketing? Do you know a small business owner who is so frustrated with their attempts at marketing that they’ve given up? Have you heard a colleague tell you that the ‘whole marketing thing’ is just too complicated?
Really — do you know anyone like this? Why…. because marketing doesn’t have to be overwhelming! In my 20+ years of business, I routinely talk with small business owners, professionals and sales people. Here’s some examples of entrepreneurs that sometimes struggle with their marketing.
A notary – spends many years at law school; completes an internship; and then starts out on their own. Now – where do they find clients? Where do they spend their time & money WISELY?
What about a bookkeeper? Same thing – they take courses in bookkeeping; learn the software but no one taught them how to put together a marketing plan.

Who do you know …. that is overwhelmed, frustrated with their marketing efforts?
What about real estate agents? According to many agents, this summer has been a difficult season. Their marketing plan might have included the usual direct mail flyers; some postings on social media; some ads on Kijiji. But a plan? A real, day to day; week by week plan? Nope!
My own sister is a veterinarian and a good one – no actually, an excellent vet! When she started her business many years ago, she turned to her big sister to help her with her business & marketing plan!
Do you know a massage therapist, chiro, naturopathic doctor, a family therapist, a life coach – who is really, really good at what they do? I bet if you ask them about marketing, good chances that they are overwhelmed with the options.
These people are MY perfect clients! These are the people that I can help. I can teach them practical marketing techniques & strategies so that they can get more clients. I can help them overcome their frustration with marketing options so that they aren’t wasting time & money in the wrong places. I can work with them to create a clear concise message to that they are talking to their perfect audience. What happens next — they make more money!!!
So if you know any of these professionals, sales people or entrepreneurs — let me help them make more money easily and simply! Suggest Marketing 4 Succe$$ or have them call me, right now. Encourage someone you know to be my next success story! As always, in gratitude for your help.