To be truthful, I’ve been stuck about what to write this week.  I wrote 2 blogs and then trashed them because I thought that they were all wrong.  Pondered the topic for days.  Rolled around at night and still couldn’t come up with a plan!  So …. back to basics.   

Here are 3 basic myths that every entrepreneur struggles with almost daily. 

MYTH #1 –  People want your services.  If you are a coach, you think that people want coaching.  I thought people wanted a marketing plan.  WRONG – people want solutions to their problems!!!  What problems do your prospects encounter?  What solutions (results, outcomes, change, etc.) can you offer them?  In my case, after talking to several small business owners, I found out that they knew they should be doing some marketing but they were just too overwhelmed to know where to start!  There problem was overwhelm – my solution was to simplify! So when you are marketing your services — always, always talk about how you can solve your clients problems! 


Which myths will you change?

Which myths will you change?

MYTH #2 – Marketing is telling people about you.  WRONG – To be honest, people don’t care that you have a degree or that you are 35 years old and speak 3 languages.  Marketing is about speaking their language and educating them on how you can solve their problem!  Marketing is about starting a relationship (like dating) and then building & strengthening that relationship until they become your customer (like getting married).  Marketing is taking your prospect from one end of the spectrum where they don’t know you … to they like you …. to the farthest end of the spectrum where they trust you (enough to purchase from you).  Know-like-trust.


MYTH #3 – Your success is based on how good a __________ you are ie. how good a therapist you are; how good a notary you are; or how good a coach you are!  WRONG!  Your success is based on how good you are at marketing your service and then how well you close a sale!  You can get the word out there with various marketing efforts but if you don’t know how to close a sale — you are not going to achieve the great success that you have been dreaming about! Learn how to ASK for the sale.

So which myth have you been struggling with this past week?  How will you do better next week?  For me – I’m going back to basics! 

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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