It seems that everyone is talking about creating some sort of plan for the New Year.  People are creating New Year’s Resolutions; adjusting business plans; setting weight loss goals, etc. WOW – there’s a lot of talk happening but how many of you actually ACT on your plans.  I know many individuals (and business owners) who tell me that they don’t have time to make these fancy, complicated plans so they do nothing.  Well here’s a simple way!

Let’s play RED LIGHT – GREEN LIGHT!   Get a pen & paper and let’s do this together!

RED LIGHT — Write down 3-5 things that you would like to STOP doing in your business in 2014 that you did in 2013.  My number 1 thing to stop — stop checking emails and facebook so often.  I’m also going to stop wasting time signing up for ‘free’ offers and then having a multitude of emails that don’t offer value!  What are you going to STOP doing in your business?

Next — GREEN LIGHT.  Write down 3-5 things that you are going to START doing in your business in 2014.  I’m going to start time blocking on my calendar and only check my emails & facebook morning and evening (you can see that this relates to RED light activity).  I’m also going to start having more ‘coffee’ meetings with business owners that I meet at networking events!  And, I’m going to start blogging more often with the goal to increase to twice a week, making one of these a video!  (Actually, I did a short video on this same topic!).  I’m also going to start setting aside time each week for strategic attraction planning.  What will you start in 2014?

Lastly, YELLOW LIGHT.  Write down 3-5 activities which you will CONTINUE doing in 2014 that were effective in 2013.  I’m going to continue to have a business coach (yup – if it works for Oprah and other successful entrepreneurs, then I’m going to have one again!).  I’m going to continue giving workshops and offer individual coaching (however, there will be some improvements made).  I’m going to continue using gratitude as my ‘give back’ and will continue to improve the Gratitude Circle.  Does this give you some ideas of what you can continue?  

So if you have written down about 9 activities – you have a plan!  Now put it into action.  It could be as simple as writing your STOP’s on your agenda or setting aside a day a week for working on your business! 

One last action — if you would rather watch a short video than read a blog, please go to my YouTube channel and subscribe.  Happy Planning!  Wishing you much success in 2014!

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