Some people love the Oscars; others not so much!  But I think that everyone can agree that ‘it’s a really big show”!  What can a small business owner such as yourself learn from that production?

1.  Dress the Part

Now I don’t mean that you have to go out a spend a fortune like at the Oscars; however, we only have seconds to make a first impression.  And unfortunately, people do make snap decisions about our professionalism within seconds of meeting us.  So – dress the part.  If you are a business coach – look like a professional individual.  If you are an auto mechanic, it’s okay to wear a shirt with your name embroidered over the pocket!  It’s important to invest in yourself, your brand and your presentation so that you look your best!


2. Practise; Practise; Practise

During the Red Carpet interviews, it’s pretty easy to see who is comfortable speaking to reporters!  They didn’t get that way the first time – they practised!  And so must you.  Every presentation, speech, and even telephone script can be practised until it flows seamlessly.  The more you do it – the better it gets.   If you find it difficult to speak ‘off the cuff’, join a networking group or toastmasters so that you get practise speaking to different people often!


3. Be a STAR!

Last night when it came to thank you speeches, it was clear who was speaking from the heart and who was just speaking!  There’s a difference.  When you let your true authentic self shine, everyone knows it!  People will be drawn to you when you believe in yourself and you let your true self SHINE!


Have a great week ….. and hold your Oscar proudly!  If you are interested in learning more about how to let your true self (your brand) shine proudly so that you can attract more clients, call (514-690-1867) to schedule your FREE Business Breakthrough Session.

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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