It’s true!  You don’t need to be spending your time constantly hunting or endlessly chasing more and more clients.  That can be tiresome and seemingly endless.  What you need are just BETTER clients!  You want ones that are a pleasure to work with and who leave you inspired.  You want ones who will buy from you repeatedly!  You want ones that you don’t have to convince or SELL.  You want clients who send you referrals!  Right?

Focusing your time on finding BETTER clients saves you both time and money in the long run.  You don’t attend needless or the wrong networking events.  You don’t waste time on the phone talking to people who aren’t really interested in your product/service.  You don’t need to create useless marketing materials (websites, business cards, brochures, etc.) that don’t carry an effective message.



So how do you find BETTER clients?  Here are five (5) tips to attracting BETTER clients:

  1. Make a list of those who you have worked with in the past and who you LOVE working with; who pays you well; and/or who sends you referrals?
  2. Consider what characteristics do they have in common? Demographics, values, etc.
  3. Spend some time analyzing where more individuals like these may ‘hang out’ or where they might shop or network.  Then focus your efforts in that direction.
  4. Create a short survey and phone past clients about how you helped them.  Listen carefully to the actual words that they use.  Use this ‘language’ in your marketing materials so that your BETTER client will identify immediately with it and want to work with you.
  5.  Don’t give up.  Be continually listening and learn to revise frequently.  The more specific you can become, the BETTER clients you will attract, serve and keep!

Knowing  your BETTER clients is the first step in creating effective marketing.  Do the right things in the right order!  If you would like more marketing help or if you would like to stop ‘spinning your wheels’ in your business, apply for a FREE 30-minute Business Breakthrough Session at  Let’s conquer your obstacles, find your focus and achieve results!!!!!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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