S-E-L-L.  That’s right – if you are in business, then you have to SELL either your service or your product!  But how many of us are uncomfortable with selling?  Or with asking for money?  I bet most of us!

This week I had the pleasure of attending a seminar (Sell More) by Doug Vermeeden.  Although I could only attend the afternoon portion, it was a real wake up call for me!  I NEED TO IMPROVE MY SELLING SKILLS! 

Sales Equation is like a table!

Sales Equation is like a table!

So I thought I would share some of my take-aways from this session.  Doug talks a lot about the 4 parts of a sales equation.  The sales equation is like a table with 4 legs; all 4 must be equal for the table to stand squarely!

Proper Preparation:  Each sales conversation MUST start with preparation.  Are we prepared to talk to our client?  What problem are we attempting to solve for this client?  Are we prepared with proper material, information, etc.  Don’t forget too that our clients are preparing for this conversation!  What material is out there that they can find about you? Is your website, facebook, etc. offering sufficient information for them?

Qualified Prospects: Or as I like to call them, you need ‘hungry, ideal prospects’.  People who are looking to purchase!  Do you know what type of people are your ‘perfect prospect’?  Are they ready to buy what you have to offer?

Sales Process: Not only do you need to have a system in place for people to purchase from you but you also must recognize that people have different buying habits (just like they have different learning styles, they have different buying styles).  

Connection: Connection is about the relationship that you have built or are building with your prospect.  We often talk about when you first meet someone it’s like going on a ‘first date’.  Connection is the process of ‘dating’.  It’s also about giving value (or under promising and over delivering)!

Are there parts of the sales equation that you are missing?  Don’t fret, you aren’t alone!  But don’t be afraid to be teachable, to invest in yourself and to take action FAST!  If you would like to talk about the sales equation OR any challenges you might be facing in your business, please let’s talk!  Go to https://dianalidstone.com/apply – fill out a short questionnaire, and we’ll be on the phone for a free 30 minute chat that could be a game changer! Have an awesome week!


Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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