ONE step can make all the difference!

ONE step can make all the difference!

I’m always surprised by the large number of women business owners who tell me that they aren’t getting the results & income from their business that they hoped!  They want more clients, more income and more free time but, frankly, they are stuck!

Stuck, frustrated, overwhelmed – call it what you want, they don’t know how to get out of the hole and move forward!  Perhaps they’ve been in business for many years and never seemed to have to ‘market’ their business but suddenly the world of business has changed!  They need to market!  Or perhaps, they are a relatively new start-up and there seems to be soooo much to learn about marketing that it’s too overwhelming.  Either way, they are stalled.

I know that when I’m stuck, I simply procrastinate.  Because I don’t know what to do – I do nothing!  And then the whole problem just gets worse!  I’m not moving forward.  I’m doing nothing.

But what if we tried ONE thing?  What if we moved forward one step at a time?  What if we had someone to help us move forward?  That’s what I did recently.  I’ve been saying for over a year now that I would do 2 things — hold a 2-day live event; and write a book. So last week, I committed to both — to you; to my friends; to my business coach; and to the special mentors who will help me reach my goal (of helping more of you).

So here’s your ACTION for this week – reach out.  Find someone to help you take that ONE step in the right direction.  Be accountable so that you can help more of your clients – who will in turn help you grow your business.  Call a friend, your business coach, or a mentor and TELL THEM you want to take ONE step forward — claim that step!  BE BOLD – I know you’re amazing!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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