This past week I spent 2 days with several other success-minded entrepreneurs.   Many of us didn’t know each other early on but we all had something in common.  We were there to learn how ‘the words we say to ourselves’ can be holding us back AND how to change those words.  Secondly, we were there to construct our VISION of our sales funnel for 2015.

What was surprising about that experience?  For me, several things were once again reinforced:

  1. It’s so important to know your business stats because only then can you measure how far you have come.  On the last day of our training, we presented to the group our sales funnel – essentially where we wanted to take our business in the next year.  But BEFORE you look at where you want to go – it’s important to know where you started from.  I was amazed at how far I had come over the last year. I knew what my starting point was – not only in terms of business stats ($$ sales or # of clients) but I also realize that my mindset had changed and many of my original limiting beliefs about money, business, and myself had been replaced with a more positive beliefs.  Where are you right now?  Do you know your business stats?  Do you know which limiting beliefs are holding you back?  Make note of these for future reference.
  2.  You have to have a clear VISION for where you want to take your business. (and your life). When your vision is crystal clear in your mind and your soul, then you can create goals & plans to take you down that road and you don’t get sidetracked by every bright shiny object.  This year,  I have a clear, strong VISION.  With this clear vision, goal setting became so much easier.  What is your VISION for your business & life?  5 years from now?  It’s well worth it to invest time writing this out!
  3.   It doesn’t matter whether you are a real estate agent, business coach, financial advisor.  It doesn’t matter whether you are just starting your business or whether you have been in business for years.  Every entrepreneur has a dream …. sometimes, we just need a little help uncovering it and seeing the right path.   Are you getting the help that you need to move your business forward? Do you need more help in a specific area?  Don’t be afraid to ask for the help.

Have a great week!  If you have the opportunity to spend some time with other like-minded entrepreneurs — DO IT!  It’s surprising what you will learn!  BTW – I have several more ‘learning’ experiences coming up this month – I hope to be able to share them with you.  Keep smiling & keep in touch!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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