“What I know for sure” is the title of Oprah’s back page which she eventually turned into a book! 

However, today I’d like to share what I know for sure … what I believe in (it’s an exercise you might find that makes you THINK about yourself and what you stand for — try it and share it with others)!

  • Believe in yourself
  • Listen to your gut
  • Change the tune of the ‘itty bitty shitty committee’
  • Spend part of each day in gratitude
  • Some things never change; but you should grow inside
  • Know your strengths — use them more
  • Delegate your weaknesses
  • Done is better than none
  • Procrastination is fear
  • Every day is meant for joyous living
  • Your thoughts create your life
  • When you change a belief, you change everything
  • It’s okay to ask for help
  • Work with passion & purpose
  • Discover your ‘why’
  • Do onto others, as you would have them do onto you
  • Everyone has a story; some share; some won’t
  • You were put here for a purpose – live it!
  • The more you give, the more you get back
  • Give your children wings & roots
  • Best your best you – always!

I’m sure that I will think of more of my life ‘isms’ and I plan to work on the list.  Fine tune it, so to speak!  I challenge you to write your own and share with me!  Send me an email at diana@dianalidstone.com (I won’t tell anyone!)

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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