Every client (and prospect) is an inspiration.  This blog post was inspired by a prospect (and a mentor).  Blog post inspirations can be found everywhere (I think that might be tweetable!!).

Here are five (5) very common marketing mistakes.  Although individually they don’t seem too challenging, it’s so important that they be done in the RIGHT ORDER.

1.  Lack of time spent proactively marketing.  As you have heard me say before, marketing is the ENGINE that drives your business.  Marketing drives sales down the road.  So what are you current doing that will land clients in the future?  Can you believe it — the general rule of thumb is that you need to spend 4-16 hours weekly marketing; and when you are just starting out — probably more.

2. Lack of clearly defined target market & perfect client.  Yes – perhaps everyone can use your ‘health’ product; but don’t waste your time unless they are INTERESTED in improving their health!!!  Target + focus!!!  Don’t worry about turning clients away — it’s just not true.  Think of it this way …. when you need a heart surgeon, you look for a heart surgeon not a general practitioner!  You want a specialist/expert.

3. Poor marketing message.  Be clear on what ‘problem’ you are solving for your perfect client.  What benefits & results do you offer?  Do you deliver the same message clearly & consistent?

4.  Lack of consistent follow-up.  I love teaching about follow-up!!  It’s the best place to find new customers fast!!  Without a consistent follow-up system, you are wasting a lot of your previous marketing time & effort. Just because they didn’t need you then — doesn’t mean they won’t need you in the future!

5.  Using correct marketing strategy (game plan)?  Only after the above 4 problems are rectified and the correct systems are in place, should you start focusing on adjusting your game plan.  Be sure that your marketing in appropriate for your target market & perfect client; evaluate what marketing strategies have worked well previously; and what hasn’t worked well.  Then you can ‘rise & repeat’ the good stuff!

So if you aren’t getting all the clients you want, on a consistent basis, perhaps you should examine which problem might be yours.  Remember – start with #1 and work your way down.  If this seems like too much work to do on your own …. I’m only a phone call away.  Schedule & apply for your FREE BIZ BREAKTHOUGH strategy session.  ADIOS!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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