I was reading Deena Morton’s “Road Map to Success”  and learned about her 4-principles idea. This resonated with me so much that I wanted to share it with you!  You’ve heard me talk about each of these principles previously, but the truth is that when you use them together, they are much more powerful.

PRINCIPLE #1  – Goals & Visualization

As the Entrepreneur’s GPS, I’m here to help you get & set your clear path because when you do, you save time, money & energy! You’ve heard me talk often about setting a CLEAR goal but it’s also important to ‘visualize’ your goal; not only in your mind but with your heart as well.  That means each visualization must have some ‘feeling’ or positive emotion attached to it.  When I was first learning about visualization (from my daughter) she used to tell me to attach ‘feeling’ and I didn’t understand completely.  I do now — so let’s imagine that your desired outcome is to earn $1,000 in the next day.  Imagine what you will feel like when you actually earn that extra $1000.  Is it elation? pride?  Let your heart well up with emotion and attach this emotion to your desired outcome.

PRINCIPLE #2 – Focus on helping someone else

In principle #1, you learned that if you want to earn an extra $1000 you must visualize it happening and attach emotion.  Now, the second part is — how will earning this extra $1000 help others? Is it because you helped someone else’s life change in a positive way?  How can you serve others?  For instance, you might have earned this extra $1000 by providing a service or product that changed someone’s life by making a situation better. Visualize how you can help others!


PRINCIPLE #3 – Gratitude

I’m a big believer that expressing gratitude MUST be part of life & business.  In your goal setting and your visualization, consider every experience an opportunity to express gratitude and to be thankful.  When you are thankful for what you have received, you will receive more!


PRINCIPLE #4 – Belief

You must have unwavering faith that your desired outcome will come true.  It may not be easy but there is no room for doubt in your process.  Learn to quieten your negative thoughts and listen to your inner wisdom.  Make a commitment to yourself that ‘it will happen’!  Believe!


We have just started a new month — March!  What’s your goal or desired outcome for this month?  (remember be specific and clear). 

My March Goal is to fill my live event SHINE with 100+ entrepreneurs and small business owners (click here).  I intend to apply the 4-principles each and every day!  See you on March 27th!  


Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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