Let’s face it — if you are in business, you need customers. You get some customers; then some leave; so you need more. It’s just business. But the 64,000 dollar question is how to get them so that they just keep rolling in? How can you create a momentum of incoming customers?
The answer is MARKETING. I know – you hate that word. It conjures up visions of more work; of stuff you’ve tried that doesn’t work; and of poorly spent money! I get it. But I know that deep in your heart, you know that marketing is what drives the sales in your business.
The next question is how can you market your business to keep the sales momentum? There is one answer: POSITIONING. Positioning is how you stack up and stand out from your competition. So ‘positioning’ is two-fold. First – you have to position yourself as the EXPERT (because when you have a problem you go to the expert, right?). So what are you the ‘expert’ in/of? How can you be perceived as the expert by your customers?
Secondly – you have to position your SOLUTION to solve their pain! You’ve probably heard that before but what does it mean for your business? Your customers have a PAIN that they are willing to PAY to solve. It may take a little detective work by asking them. Their pain is something real to them … here are some examples:
real estate agent Customer Pain: first time buyer is overwhelmed by all the things they need to know (lack of knowledge);
lawyer Customer Pain: they have been sued and don’t know what to do next; it’s scary; it could be very costly
naturopath Customer Pain: weight they can’t lose; frustration; tried everything else
professional organizer Customer Pain: wasting time & money finding stuff; frustration; know that there has to be a better way
marketing coach Customer Pain: hate marketing but you know you need a strategic plan & accountability to grow your business without wasting time & money
Customers will start throwing money at you once you dig deep enough to find their specific pain, & you position yourself as the expert who has the ANSWER or the solution to that pain. The more that you narrow your niche to solve a specific pain, the more likely you will find the success you are looking for!
Here’s another article about the same subject: https://baremetrics.com/blog/first-100-customers.
If you’d like some help digging deep and finding your SOLUTION to their pain, let’s chat. Go here and let’s get started.