I’ll be honest!  I’m on a bit of a rampage — why wouldn’t every business owner want to keep in touch with his clients and nurture his relationship with prospects?  So what am I going to do about it?  Today starts a series of blog posts about writing a newsletter for your business.  It doesn’t matter if you are a product based business, a real estate agent, financial advisor or a coach — the same principles apply.  Over the next few weeks, I’m going to cover why you need a newsletter; what a newsletter isn’t; mistakes to avoid; essential sections of a newsletter; ways to brainstorm content; tools & technology for building a newsletter; and what if you don’t have time to write a newsletter!  There — anything else I should cover — please let me know!

Today, here are 5 reasons why you need a newsletter for your business:

1.   A newsletter is a great REMINDER — that’s right.  It reminds your clients & prospects who you are and what you do.  I get lots of emails from LL Bean.  I don’t open every single one; but just the fact that they send them to me REMINDS me that perhaps I should look at their website to see what I’m missing.

2. A newsletter (& it’s contents) position you as an EXPERT; because of course, you are the expert!  Remind me … you are the expert ____________(fill in the blank).  And we know that people would rather purchase from an expert.  If you needed surgery, you would find a surgeon who was a specialist rather than expecting a general practionner to perform complicated surgery!

3.  A newsletter (just like the rest of your marketing) should be focussed on building & strengthening the relationships you have with your clients & prospects!  It’s nurturing!  Remember people buy from those they know, like and trust — you improve your K-L-T factor with each newsletter they read.

4. A newsletter MAINTAINS ties with your current customers!  Here’s a perfect example.  Several years ago I hired a closet company to do a custom closet in our master bedroom.  They did awesome work at a reasonable price.  But I never heard from them again.  How many other closets do I have in my home that I could have used their service?  MANY.  Keep in touch with those people who have already purchased from you.

5. A newsletter can increase your VISIBILITY to your target market.  You don’t want to remain the ‘best kept secret’ in your industry!  Create a value-based, great content newsletter and this information will get shared and you will get talked about!

There you have it — 5 reasons why EVERY business needs a newsletter.  Stay tuned for the rest of my newsletter series!  If you would like some help creating a newsletter or a marketing plan, please book a Business Breakthrough Session with me today (click here)!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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