Building an award-winning business IS NOT a get rich-quick scheme!  In fact, the majority of people who start a business — never finish.  They give up.  Do you have the strength & courage to work through the tough times?  Will you be one of the few? (secretly, I know that YOU do have the courage and you will succeed; it’s the others I’m not so sure about!)

As I discussed during PROSPER, you are all ‘masters’ of your craft.  You went to school to learn it; spent hours perfecting it; and it is the reason why clients hire you!  But is it possible that you might be missing something from one of these 5 elements so that you can build an award-winning business with less struggle and more ease?

  1. PRODUCT -Okay, I’m going to assume that you have your product/service.  Your business is your product/service.  Your product is what your customers are willing to PAY for to SOLVE their problem.
  2. CUSTOMER FULFILLMENT – This is ‘how’ you deliver your product or service — through programs or sales.  This portion is about customer service and filling orders.
  3. FINANCE – As CEO of your business, it is your responsibility to measure & monitor your business finances.  Measuring and monitoring key indicators allows you to know whether you are progressing, and whether you are heading in the right direction.  Financial key indicators could include sales, profit, accounts receivable, etc.
  4. MARKETING – Marketing is the engine that drives your sales conversations.  How many sales conversations are you having weekly?  What’s your conversion rate?  How many sales conversations do you need to have to generate the number of new clients you want in the next 90-days?  Marketing creates the opportunities to have those sales conversations.  What are you doing daily to generate sales conversations?
  5. LEADERSHIP – Are you perceived as a ‘leader’ of your business team?  Are you growing personally?  It is said that being a successful small business owner is a personal growth journey!  Believe me … it is!  As individuals, we need to grow; we need to move out of our comfort zones; and we need to let that jewel within us SHINE brighter so that we can help so many others!

WOW – that’s a lot to consider when you are a small business owner!  There is so much more than just ‘doing’ what you do best (i.e. your mastery).  So how can you fit all of that into your schedule?  How can you build an award-winning business?  You do it by investing some of your valuable time in planning!  By sitting down, without distractions and interruptions, and putting pen to paper!  Businesses who plan ahead perform up to 60% better than those that don’t!!

How would you like to spend 2 full days with me, in my home, overlooking the beautiful St. Lawrence River with nothing on your mind but your business and what you could accomplish in 2016?  Two full days putting pen to paper; brainstorming; relaxing; being fed; and being creative?    Imagine building a foolproof road map for your 2016 success! Imagine having someone walk you through the essential elements of your business … no more doubting? Imagine leaving with your 2016 vision; your desired results; your goals; your marketing plan — all that completed. 

Planning Retreat dates currently open are Nov 27-28; Jan 23-24.  CALL 514-690-1867 to reserve your spot (space is extremely limited).  But the results are priceless!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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