I’m guessing that you would like 2016 to be a better year than 2015 for your business???  Here are 5 rules that will help you Grow, Prosper & Succeed in 2016!

RULE #1 – Look ahead and concentrate on what’s happening now.  It’s true that it’s good to reflect on what happened in 2015; however, don’t allow yourself to be held hostage to those things you did (or didn’t do) in the past!  You can’t control the past but you can look ahead for new opportunities.

RULE #2 – In order to REALLY make 2016 an award-winning year, you need a plan.  Not a good plan but an award-winning, awesome plan!  Start by asking yourself – what do you need to change that prevented your dreams of success becoming a reality in 2015?  

RULE #3 – You eat an elephant one small bite at a time; in other words, don’t get overwhelmed by all the things you think you should do.  It’s much more effective to zero in on one or two problems that you recognize as contributing to the road blocks to your success.  Just change one thing at a time — that’s manageable.

RULE #4 – The definition of insanity, according to Albert Einstein, is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Stop doing some things; and start doing some new things.  Change must be the right kind of change — give it lots of thought.

RULE #5 – You can’t do it all alone.  YUP!  As entrepreneurs, we think we need to wear every single hat in the business and do them all well.  It’s not true (I’ve learned that lesson long ago.)  Yes, you need a team (don’t yell at me that you can’t afford one)!  You can’t afford not to have some help whether it’s just a part-time bookkeeper, a Virtual Assistant (VA) or a business mentor.  Those businesses that I’ve known (and mentored) that hired help have traditionally doubled their business within the year.  WHY – because then the owner can then focus on revenue-generating activities and not the administrative stuff!

Truth or dare time … which rule did you break last year?  Which rule will you NOT break this year?

It’s my mission to help you GROW, PROSPER & SUCCEED.  So which of those rules can I help you with?  You might have notice that I’ve used the word “Grow” frequently.  That’s because it will be the THEME for this year starting on March 18 with my live event in Montreal entitled GROW!

What else can I help you with….

  1. Were you spinning your wheels in 2015 and now you realize you need an Award-winning Plan – Why not book a VIP day with me and together we’ll map out your road map for 2016?
  2. Feeling Overwhelmed or at a crossroads when you look back at 2015 – Don’t worry — I remember that feeling.  Let’s set up a time to talk and see where you need some help!  Apply here for a Business Breakthrough Session. No charge – no obligation; just some truthful insights to start your year off right.
  3. You’ve set goals in the past but never can seem to achieve them? Perhaps they were too big; too small.  Is it possible that your marketing could use a tune-up? Perhaps a VIP Day would be perfect to get you back on track?
  4. Tired of working alone and feel as though you could use a gentle kick in the butt once in a while to keep you on track?  Perhaps then a group coaching program combined with some hot-seat coaching would move you to the next level.  There’s a session of the Achiever’s Club that just started or better yet, why not get 3-4 of your friends together and we’ll create a Club session just for you!
  5. You’ve made a decision … you want to really STEP-UP this year and grow your business to the next level.  Then I’m here for you — whether you choose the Platinum or Gold version of the Road to Clarity, this 1-1 mentoring program will definitely take your business to the next level!

It’s up to you …. it’s a new year with new opportunities.   It’s a great time to make a decision, build a new plan, create new habits and start a new journey to GROW your business.  I’d be honoured to be part of your journey!  In gratitude,  Diana.

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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