Now there are a ton of books that would fit into this category; however, it’s come to my attention that ‘money’  and money limiting beliefs are huge roadblocks for small business owners, both men & women!  So I’m continually learning how I can help my Dream Clients overcome this road block.  

The three books I’m going to talk about are really written for women — however, the limiting beliefs around money and the tactics still apply to the few brave men who might be reading this.  ALSO — they are great books to pass onto other women!

All three books are written by Barbara Stanny (check out her work here).  She is a leading authority on money and wealth creation; she’s funny and she shares her dramatic story.

If you only have time to read one – pick Overcoming Underearning – A Five-Step Plan to A Richer Life.  Her first book, Prince Charming isn’t Coming, is probably the funniest – as the title suggests! Barbara’s other book, Secrets of Six-Figure Women – Surprising Strategies to up your earnings and change your life,  although written in 2004 is still VERY valid.  All her books are filled with checklists, things to do, wonderfully inspiring quotes, and resources!

What did I learn from these three books that will make me richer, smarter & happier:

  1. it’s time ladies to stand in our power — to play bigger – and to own your money!
  2. each of us is worth so much more than we are being paid RIGHT NOW, yes even you!
  3. if you do the inner work, the outer wealth will follow (got to admit – this is true!!)
  4. face your fear; discomfort comes just before success (huge one)
  5. as I’m planning to start writing my own book this summer, this is a format I want to follow; this is a format I want to use to help you Grow, Prosper & Succeed!

I hope you get a chance this summer to read THEN IMPLEMENT Barbara’s wise words!

If you’d like some support to go from penniless to prosperous; from underearner to unforgettable; or to simply breakthrough the $5K or $50K/month barrier – let’s talk!  It’s easy to book 20 minutes with me and let’s see if we can’t make you richer & happier (I know that you are already smarter!!)!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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