A Awareness (about ourselves mostly)
B Belief (in ourselves)
C Consistency (in our work)
D Delegate (one of the hardest skills to learn)
E Execution (get _hit done)
F Focus (stop the distractions)
G Gratitude (for what we have been given)
H Help (we are here to help others)
I Imagine (your success)
J Journey (your business is a learning journey)
K Key Success Indicators (those things you measure in your biz)
L Love (there are basically 2 emotions – let love prevail over fear)
M Marketing (the activity that drives clients to your door)
N No (the word we have to get used to hearing)
O OMG – I want to work with you (something we want to hear)
P Patience (Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will your business)
Q Quiet (take time to be quiet each day)
R Recharge (you can’t give from an empty container)
S Serve (we are here to serve others)
T Time (we all have the same amount; it’s your choice how you use it)
U Under earner (are you one of those?)
V Voice (each of us has a voice – use your’s to help others)
W Walk Your Talk (be authentic and honest to yourself)
X EXcitement (passion that keeps you going)
Y Year Plan (you gotta plan!)
Z Zulu (I couldn’t think of anything so I used the Z call letter for marine radios)
Admittedly, some of these were easy to come up with — others not so much. Please share your additions with me!!!