Are you spending your time on the right activities to ensure a consistent flow of money into your business?  Here’s my top 6 activities for a stress-free money-making week!

1. DAILY work on taming your money monster and improving your relationship with money!  Set aside 10-15 minutes daily focusing on your New Money Mantra!  Each week, have a money date with yourself to ensure that you aren’t avoiding money issues in your business! (More info – click here Master Your Money Game webinar & workbook)

2. WEEKLY track your money-making activities.  Here’s the top activities to track: speaking engagements; networking; webinars; sponsorships, referral partners; newsletters/blogs.  How many of each of these do you have coming up this week?  

3. WEEKLY track your marketing results and sales conversations.  What results do you get from your marketing activities?  If you go to 3 networking events weekly and they don’t generate any sales conversations …. then maybe you should re-evaluate how you network and where you network! After you’ve been in business for a while, you’ll find out which of these marketing methods works best for you and then you can focus on the one that produces the MOST sales conversations.  YES – track how many sales conversations you have weekly?  Set yourself a target – ready, aim, fire!

4. WEEKLY evaluate your 10 Foundational Biz Must-Haves.  Ask yourself whether you’ve completed them all; if they need updating, which one is the most important?  Prioritize! Don’t know what these are — book a Clarity Session today!

5. WEEKLY compare your results to your 90-day Profit Plan.  What’s a Profit Plan?  It’s a stress-free plan for making money!  Members of the Achiever’s Club create their plan with 13 steps and have clarity about what they need to do each and every week!  BTW – having a plan is what banishes overwhelm and allows you to operate a business and still have a life!

6. WEEKLY meet with your team sharing & reviewing your 90-day Profit Plan.  Find out how your team members can support you to reach those goals.  (BTW – your team might be just yourself; a bookkeeper; a VA or an assistant, intern, etc.)

So where are you spending your time?  If you focus your time and energy on these TOP 6 strategies, you’ll be moving towards Successville!  If your time and energy are focused on perfecting a tagline, a website or following kitty videos on FB — then, re-set your GPS!  If you’d like help or clarification with ANY of the above strategies, please feel free to book a complimentary CLARITY SESSION with me by using this link.


Want to learn more strategies like this?  Attending “SUCCEED” on November 11 in Montreal and November 18th in Ottawa. Early Bird Tickets & sponsorships are now on sale here!!  

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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