If you’re like me, you want your biz to look VERY different in one year’s time!  You want more customers — but more of the right kind of customers; you want more money (profit) in your pocket; and yet you don’t want to be working evenings and weekends.  Am I correct?  And deep down inside you want to help more people, right?  

For 2017, I’m wishing you only good things.  Good health; great relationships; and an amazingly, wildly successful biz.

There’s a couple of things I know to be true.  In order for my wishes for you to become true, you have to acknowledge a couple of things.  First — you have a HUGE GIFT to share with the world (I see it, even if you don’t, and that’s okay).  And second, you might hesitate to plan because you’re afraid of making a mistake (have no fear, mistakes are okay!!) or you don’t think you have the necessary clarity to plan (don’t worry, I’m really good at helping people gain clarity). 

Remember, SUCCESS DOESN’T HAPPEN BY ACCIDENT!  But can I ask — what have you done about creating your 2017 plan or even your next 90-day plan?  What have you done to ensure that your biz will pay you more and you’ll be working less on December 31, 2017 than today?

I know how easy it is to say things like …. I know I should be planning my year, I know I should take time off to do the planning, but other things seem to get in my way!  I know all about that — you see, because I’ve said those things to myself many times!

I want you to succeed.  I want you to reach SUCCESSVILLE – whatever it looks like for you. So I’d love to help you avoid some of those roadblocks that are getting in your way.

In my book, SHIFT into RICH: Navigate the 9 Roadblocks to Small Business Success (click here), I write about the 3rd roadblock that gets in the way of success and that’s Wandering Aimlessly — without a plan!  So if you’ve read the book, you’ll know that a stress-free profit plan is built in 4 simple steps (Dream It; Believe It; Plan It and Do It).

On January 16th, I’m hosting part 1 of Creating Your Best Year Yet virtual planning sessions!  Why am I hosting this?  

  • So that people like you and me, and members of my Achiever’s Club will put aside the time to plan — you’ve got lots of lead time now to reschedule and to block that day off.  
  • I’m hosting it virtually so that you won’t have to travel & leave home (planning in your pj’s!!).  
  • By the end of the day, you’ll have completed a real PROFIT PLAN; perhaps you’ll even have things scheduled in your agenda so that you’ll know what to do each & every day.  
  • Then on Jan 23, you’ll have the opportunity to have submitted your plan to me and I’ll coach several individuals through some small modifications or tweaks that they could make to improve their 2017 Plan. 
  • I don’t want you to stay stuck in the same place by the end of 2017 (those who plan have a 60% better chance of reaching success)
  • So that month after month, or year after year, you won’t have that looming Cost of Inaction that I talk about in my book (page 42-43).
  • I have the proven Plan 4 Profit system that has worked for me and tons of my customers so that they reach their version of Successville.

What will you learn?

  • the exact 4 steps that I use to reach 6-figures and create an amazing life
  • the #1 SECRET to actually achieving the things in your plan (call them goals if you like)
  • a simple strategy for staying focussed and on track 
  • how to decrease those entrepreneurial diseases of FMO (fear of missing out) and BSOS (bright shiny object syndrome) that debilitate owners year after year
  • how to love planning, even if you’re a free spirit
  • how to figure out EXACTLY how many products/programs you need to sell to reach your year end desired result

What will you get?

  • updated & revised 2017 Planning 4 Profit workbook filled with pages & pages of templates, fill in the blank worksheets, and links to downloadable excel spreadsheets
  • Monday Jan 16th 9am – 4pm in a Zoom virtual classroom where I’ll teach for a portion; then you’ll work for a portion; we’ll come back and share; and then repeat until we’ve completed the 4 steps
  • time for Q & A and feedback from other participants
  • clarity and confidence that you’ll be able to EARN MORE without working evenings & weekends (these are two by-products of spending time with inspiring entrepreneurs and a mentor that has walked this path before you)
  • a week where you can finalize your stress-free Plan 4 Profit and submit it to me for comments and on Jan 23, we’ll get back together for some live hot seat coaching where I’ll give you some suggestions, tweaks and feedback so that you will have your BEST YEAR YET!!!

So please, join us to design your business to EARN MORE in just these 2 days!  Reserve your spot today by clicking here

Here’s my NEW YEAR’S GIFT to you …. I’ll reduce the price from $147 to $97 for those of you who enrol before January 6th!   

Click here — give yourself the gift of planning and succeeding in 2017!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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