I’m here in North Carolina for 3-days working with my business coach, tweaking my sales skills, working out the kinks in my offerings, learning how to up level my mindset & systems and much much more!  It’s not only a time investment but a big financial investment.  But I’m all in!!

What about you? Are you investing in your business or are YOU standing in the way of your success?  Are you investing in your business to ensure your success?

Here’s what I know for sure ….. you won’t build a successful business on your own — without a coach.  Now this email isn’t about convincing you to hire a coach or pick the right coach or even to hire me.  It’s about the importance of getting help and about investing in your business!

You have a gift … whether it’s energy healing, teaching, or coaching and you deserve to profit from it.  And many of you have many certifications and trainings.  But if you are anything like my veterinarian sister, your training didn’t come with a lot of ‘business’ training or business skills!  So your entrepreneurial journey takes longer because there seems to be so many detours, roadblocks and roundabouts!!!

As the entrepreneur’s gps, I have the experience and wisdom to help you navigate those roadblocks; to help you get off the roundabout at the right exit without going around & around endlessly and to help you profit from your gifts!

So here’s the thing ….

  • if you don’t have enough clients (or money in your bank account)
  • if you aren’t making the kind of money that you want & are struggling to pay the bills
  • if you don’t have the time freedom you want because you’re spending so much time with clients or organizational tasks;
  • if you aren’t getting the results from your marketing or sales conversations that you want
  • if you just want to double or triple your sales ….. 

THEN …. I invite you to attend SHIFT!!!  It’s a one-day marketing & sales intensive exclusively for self-employed business owners who want to make more money and who want to learn HOW to build a profitable business and have impact!

Because you’re in my tribe, I’d like to gift you a discount code when you go here to purchase your ticket:

       Montreal   March 31    code – ShiftSpringMtl2017
       Ottawa      April 7        code – ShiftSpring2017

I promise — this day is WORTH your time & financial investment!

JOIN ME at SHIFT – click here.

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

Client Appreciation Workshop - Register Here!

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