Now you know that I’m not a web designer or a web expert.  I’m not even an expert at copy writing!  

However, I can give you a couple of great tips that for BEST EVER web copy based on:

  • basic good marketing skills and
  • Web Copy That Sells” (a great book by Maria Veloso).

Maria’s book was recently recommended to me so I eagerly bought a copy and started reading it.  I had to laugh!  

Why laugh?  I love the book.  It’s awesome and it’s based on some very basic marketing principles that you’ve heard me talk about before.  They are so good — I just felt that they were worthy sharing again!!

When writing (or re-writing) copy for your website, remember the following:

  1. The word YOU sells copy!  People love to be included in the conversation rather than sold to.  Using the word ‘you’ involves them in your conversation and indicates that you are talking directly to them!!!  So instead of using the word “I” — re-write the sentence and use the word ‘you’!
  2. Know and address your prospective reader’s ‘pain points’ quickly and precisely. What is their ‘lie awake at night’ problem?  Does your home page address quickly outline the problem that you are going to solve? 
  3. Use easy to understand words — use a conversational style and even common colloquialisms if it fits.  Please don’t use ‘expert’  or technical language.

Web copy is just one of the types of sales copy that you will probably have to write for your business.  Many other types include writing copy for flyers, brochures, business cards and many other marketing materials. And that doesn’t include your blog, webinars, programs or any signature talks that you might give!

Being able to clearly & concisely explain to people what you do and who you do it for in a language that your ideal client understands … is the key to writing great copy!  It’s the key to great marketing.  It’s what I talked about at SHIFT Montreal; and it’s the topic for this week’s SHIFT Ottawa.

Effective marketing ripples through your whole business and can make or break your business.  If you’ve got it right — woohoo — you will easily attract and create clients.  If you’ve got it wrong or even not quite right…. then that ripples through your business too and it makes attracting & keeping clients very difficult!  Which would you prefer?

So if you don’t have enough clients — let’s look at your marketing.  Perhaps it needs some tweaking; some refining!  Stay tuned for a 2-day mastermind on how to SHIFT your marketing!!!

But if you haven’t attended SHIFT …. let your fingers do the walking and register today!!!

       Ottawa      April 7        code – ShiftSpring2017

I promise — this day will be WORTH your time & financial investment!  

JOIN ME at SHIFT – click here.

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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