In order to get results from your marketing strategy, you need to have CLARITY, CONSISTENCY and CALLS TO ACTION (CTA) — 3 C’s!  Let’s see if you have all three?

When someone asks what you do, and you give your answer — do they look confused or do they answer — OMG that’s exactly what I need?
Does your business have an overall marketing message that is simple to understand and that is consistent throughout your whole business?
Are you clear on exactly who you serve?  Is it women?  Are they married?  
Are you clear on exactly what problem you solve for them and the results that you get?

I know — it seems as though there needs to be a lot of ‘clarity’.  That is true because if you can’t simply explain what you do, who you do it for and the results that you get in language that a 7 year old understands …. then you don’t have clarity.  When you don’t have clarity — it is evidenced by a lack of clients driving up to your door.

Are you consistently saying the same core message?
Are you being consistent in getting your message out there?
Are you being consistent in your visibility?  Speaking, networking, etc.?

It’s not your client’s job to search for you.  You have to be visible!  Hiding at home behind your computer isn’t going do drive clients to your door.

Are you consistently asking your prospects to take some type of action — read this, sign up for that, go to a web page — something!  

It’s take me a couple of years, and thousands of dollars for me to get the triple C’s into my marketing. But it’s paid off — instead of my business being a pretend business it’s now a true  6-figure business.   I’d like to save you some time (and money) by sharing how to get results from your marketing strategy (message, market and method).  And I can’t wait to share this with those attending the upcoming series of “Marketing Magic Mastermind” in Montreal, Ottawa, & Brockville.

If you’re curious about the state of your marketing, try out my new Marketing Diagnostic Questionnaire (here).  It’s 10 simple questions with yes or no answers that should take you about 3 minutes to answer!  And at the end, depending on your score, the doctor has a cure!

Let me know if your marketing needs a cure (or if your bank account could do with a raise)!!!

PS.  Join me on FB LIVE every Wednesday morning at 8 am here.

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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