Over the last several months, I’ve kept trying to ‘up-date’ my website!  I had great intentions.  I tried this, then that — and nothing seems to be just right.  I even had someone start the project. But something wasn’t quite right —  so I STOPPED.  I was frustrated.  But just recently, I met someone who showed me some possibilities of what my site could look like! I was amazed and it gave me some direction.  This person showed me website possibilities  I had never thought of or seen!  OMG — I didn’t know that was even possible!  I didn’t know; what I didn’t know!

Ever feel like that?  You struggle and struggle — you get frustrated; so you quit.  But then uddenly, someone shows you something you never considered — and VOILA — it’s like the heavens opened.  It’s like that sometimes in our businesses, right?  You feel like, no matter what you do, you’ll never ‘get it right’!  So time after time, you throw up your hands in frustration and say — “This isn’t working for my business”!

However — just like with my website — the real problem was something else totally.  The struggle starts with ‘not knowing what we don’t know’ — simple ignorance.  

My question for you today is …. is it possible that you are making mistakes in your business without even knowing it?  (Just like I was with my website).  Are you making mistakes with your marketing or with your sales that are costing you clients? 

I’m guessing that even if you watch the webinars, FB lives, sign up for all the online courses, there’s still a good chance you might be doing it wrong.  Here’s the good thing — you aren’t alone!  It happens to all of us.

There’s something called the Hierarchy of Competence (see below) — it’s about the phases of learning.  So how do we move up that pyramid? 

  1. GET INTO CONSISTENT ACTION — You’ve heard me say this over and over — it’s not good enough to say that you posted on FB once a week and then claim you didn’t get results!  Of course, not!  Consistency brings results.  It’s like a snowball that starts small and you have to keep rolling it in the snow until it becomes the big ball of snow to be the base of the snowman! You must take action — even if sometimes it’s the wrong action!
  2. GET PERSONALIZED FEEDBACK — Ask great questions — Am I doing this correctly?  Are the results what I should expect?  What do I do now?  (Members of the Achiever’s Club know how valuable the personalized feedback).  A coach/mentor who has had experience will be able to quickly assess your situation and give you that personalized feedback you need so that you won’t continue to stay at the bottom of the Competency Pyramid!
  3. TEST YOUR NEW APPROACH – One my Achiever’s Club members was writing a 3-part blog and asked for feedback in the group — which she got!!  Then she went out into the market and tested the title of the blog!  Test – test and re-test!  It’s a process; a journey.  Business isn’t a spring — it’s a marathon!

By taking action, getting feedback and testing — you’ll be able to move up the pyramid of competency.  Sometimes, we have to realize that ‘we don’t know, what we don’t know’!!  And that’s okay!

Have an outrageously successful week!

PS.  Join me on FB LIVE every Wednesday morning at 8 am here. —  This week — Creating Great FREE Offers (Freebies for your website)!

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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