Believe it or now, how I found my dream dog is the same process as how I find my dream clients….  Let me share for you …

For quite some time now my husband and I have been searching to adopt a dog.  We knew what we wanted … 

  • the breed (boxer- outgoing, fun loving)
  • the age (not a puppy, not a senior)
  • not abused (no hang ups)
  • preferably female, spay

We also knew the temperament we were looking for:

  • outgoing but not too bold
  • not too headstrong

We also knew the size (the dog has to be ‘boat and car’ friendly.

You see LOTS of things were important to us to find the right FIT for a dog that we would welcome into our home and who we would love for many years to come.

So what does this have to do with your dream client — tons!!!  You see you need to be looking for (and attracting) the perfect type of client that you would love working with!

What my husband and I actually created was a perfect ‘dog’ avatar — for us!  And we found her.  It’s the same in your business … when you know what you are looking for, it makes it so much easier to find!!

It’s so worth spending the time to describe your dream client.  Once you’ve done this, then you can easily create a magnetic elevator speech, design programs that they are hunger to purchase, and increase your impact (and your income)!!

If you’d like help creating your ‘dream client’ avatar — join me for Marketing Magic!! By the end of the 2 days, you’ll have the tools to walk into a room, shake some hands and get a hot lead or a new client. It’s time to STOP WINGING and to register for this amazing workshop.  Wouldn’t it be nice to finally get some results from your networking efforts?  (Be sure to read what past clients said about this!!) 

PPS – You might have noticed a name change — I’m rebranding my events and a few of my courses.  The word SHIFT will become more prominent now going forward. At SHIFT – Money & Mindset this fall, I’ll announce some new programs!!

PS.  Check out Facebook Live – Wednesday morning at 8am at Diana Lidstone – The Entrepreneur’s GPS. HOT TOPIC — 7 Elements for a 6-figure business

Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

Client Appreciation Workshop - Register Here!

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